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  • Ban Data from 10/24/2019 - 10/30/2019

    --------- wrote:
    This isn't the place for ban appeals

    You'd be looking for any possible avenue if you had a ton of time invested and got an unjust ban as well.
    This also isn't the place for toxicity but that doesn't seem to stop anyone.

    DUALGUNPRO wrote: »

    Hello im here to report a problem, Im getting banned permanent for not reason after i did Hungry Muto daily and then log off dated 28
    October 2019 the next day i was Permanent banned.
    I tried to appeal my false ban and everyone GM say the same conclusion: due the investigations we found this account was involved in violations and they flagged me

    When never in all my years playing maplestory i used something like that .

    I being playing maplestory through past in the time, waiting for the world merge and i was back to my maple when i happened
    Was enjoying every event chilling out with friends , so the real question why im getting banned when i never used hacking programs

    So after i tried to appeal it repeatly times , because is you getting a false accusation you going to continue appealing , so they ban me to from the support system
    I hope someone with the enough knowledge read this post and help me with my problem

    Since its a bad moment when you get a false accusation like that and you're clean.

    I never used hacking/botting programs

    I can't sumbit tickets because they ban me to from the support system .

    Posdata i hope someone never past from were i am right now, falsely accused and permanent banned , losing my progress for around 8 years into maplestory

    try other socials like reddit or so ,if there is many that get same false ban symptoms it will help them to post
    on forum usualy gets censored & nexon its a bit stuborn to react quick on it

    last 2 false banwaves took them a month each and hard censorship on post ,they deleted evry post about it (without reddit could have been unoticed)
    but also cheaters abuse that too so yea try post more details if you are right should be fine
  • Is it worth playing MS right now?

    (dont get adicted to gamble or kill your time alone for stat)
    but for some rare events and rare communty challanges yes its ok
    Rexaar wrote: »
    In terms of population (NA region), Reboot > Bera > Scania > Aurora/Elysium.
    Maple Story will feel empty due to how big it is and how little time people spend in 1 region before lv 200.
    But when someone announce a +50% exp buff, >30 people (in a populated server) will come to the same map to receive the buff (lots of lag without a strong cpu).

    Common mishaps that many mmorpg share that Maple Story also has
    - Unscheduled maintenance
    - Double maintenance
    - The rare elusive triple maintenance
    - The once in a blue moon 24 hours maintenance
    - Botter
    - Auto-ban system catching innocents

    yea right glass with watter its not emty the glass its to big
    about common mishaps other games "share" too its nothing like in GMS extremes

    oh well @Sonnen try it and see yourself how it is
    just dont rush to quickly with your wallet give it time and then decide
  • Bring Back Haunted Mansion

    PirateIzzy wrote: »
    WONDERGUY wrote: »
    i know all that but we have to be real with that too
    that content wont be updated there is other content that needs more update
    also we know nexon code ability
    those mobs no worth to fix just for the sake we got those done (the only one that will visit them are hackers that can bot far from all eyes)

    our client size can be much more optimized and hopefully run better instead of haveing all that content catching dust or becomeing hackers heaven

    nexon can make so much things relevant but most of them got kill by their greed for $
    they could update those instead of content expansion but now its to late we moved to new one and they did not care
    let them worry for the content we got now and the one that comes not to die because if that dies too GMS its out (slowly going there with this rate of fails anyway )

    Again, just because you don't personally use it doesn't mean other players don't. And if Nexon were to properly update content, then people would be interested in it. NLC isnt being removed, no matter how much you want it to be.

    And even if Nexon were to remove every single bit of non KMS content tomorrow, the game would still be poorly run, buggy, and badly optimized due to how terribly it's coded, leaving us with both a buggy game and no unique content.
    i never said it will fix for sure its nexon codeing afterall but it will cut down size for sure
    also am sure 90% of players dont know those locations or never seen it anyway
    so again i dont see why someone would go there when its outdated and again no worth to update that while we got new things broken
    why not just get removed and move on to worry on other things to work and not get abandoned

    lets decide and stay on one thing and work/develope that thing
    nexon wants we just move on good or bad we will know with time , players numbers wont lie

    or sure let nexon waste time and fix that as you want....
    just like ranking time waste where people complained why there is extra tab both and almost kill eachother when they can just ignore it ....

    why should nexon work/think on matilda changes,elite drop rate,kish changes......when they can work on outdated content that nonone or 0.1% players care for
    lets go Bring Back Haunted Mansion)
  • Bring Back Haunted Mansion

    haunted mansion was gone for years almost worse then cwk
    my guess its NLC its geting removed or most of the area there
    so yea rip
    also at this moment i dont see any use of that location other then nostalgia sake
    even CWKPQ its outdated and prob no worth remake to fit new class/jobs etc etc
  • things gone that drove many players away.

    those are just 2nd or 3rd tier issues...
    its all waste without 1st tier issues (toaster server-spagheti code, hackers and p2w meta)

    who care for those lower tier issues even if they add 99x weekends,raining milions and what not....
    if you cant log ingame properly , if you cant find map/elite without hundred botters around it and on top of it your gear cant be maxed without $ (needed for the meta)
    your char faceing discontents after last patch?
    wasted runs and dailys cus bugs whats that?

    and when you manage to log normaly....
    you have been disconented by great NGS
    please be quite there is botters trying to get their elite loot dont disturb them
    yours lovely
    thank you

    oh btw
    congratulations for jk2km2kvh2knvmn2222b on 275lvl with lvl 10 gear