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So many bugs need to squashed in this game...


Last Active
  • [Announcement] Regarding Kanna's Haku's Blessing

    Arwoo wrote: »
    Decisions aren't made from a single individual or a select number of people. Decisions are made from both the game teams or publishing team and discussed before a final decision is made. There are many things that goes into the discussion between publishing and game team and community feedback is one of the main ones.

    As stated in the main post, we're well aware of what the community wanted and it was already communicated what the community wanted. In the end, I want to make it clear that there is a distinction between us listening and acting on the feedback. We do listen to you guys and the many options brought to the table from the community to address the issue of the design behind Haku's Blessing.

    "Make it a self buff, it's that simple!" If we didn't listen to the community, then how would we know of this suggestion? Why is it then that this very suggestion was communicated?

    Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/6zdnno/the_updates_of_kanna_in_tms_would_affect_other/dmv4jzc/

    The fact is that we do listen, but ultimately, that won't always transition into an outcome desired by the community.

    I guess a reason people are saying Nexon isn't listening is we don't see any of the discussions; the reasoning and justification behind these changes. What we see is a nerf copy pasted from TMS and we players feel like our complaints just fell on deft ears with the management hoping that eventually people will grow tired, move on and stop complaining. Telling the players that the team will monitor the situation to see what happens and if they might need to recommend further changes does not bring any comfort to the players especially considering how long they might have to wait and how these changes were handled in the first place.

    While many will say we would agree Haku is a powerful buff to other mages it is one that even in its current state allows Kanna mains to just barely stay afloat. The last final damage buff was pretty good and helped uplift Kannas. Even then I'd say more could have been done. This nerf would effectively undo that buff or worse depending on the players.

    It's bad enough that most people only play Kanna to farm, this just seems like it will cause more of these characters to become Kish mules. I talked about the nerf earlier with one of the players in my guild and their response was a bit disheartening. It boiled down to "Eh I don't care, I only use my Kanna to kish me anyways so it doesn't really affect me." Mostly apathy for this creeping normality.

    First they came ...
  • [Announcement] Regarding Kanna's Haku's Blessing

    Spirit wrote: »

    Jett, Beast Tamer, and Kanna all share the exact alike problems, they're slow or rely on low % damage attacks with little amount of damage lines. There's the issue right there. Nexon America can go ahead and nerf Haku, but they should at least boost her primary skills damage to make up for that. Something like this would change her outlook. The on the left is current damage + attacks and on the left is what would be better if Haku gets nerfed.

    Vanquisher's Charm
    Damage: 242% > 342%
    Attacks: 3 > 4

    Shikigami Haunting
    Total Damage increase: 255% > 300%
    Attacks: 2 > 3

    Tengu Strike
    Damage: 200% > 260%
    Attacks: 5 > 6

    Everything else Kanna has are fine the way they are. These are just Kanna's most important skills. If these get buffed, she will have a better time competing with the other mages. An example, Luminous' Reflections is 400% damage with 4 attacks. Compared to Kanna's Shikigami Haunting at 255% with 2 attacks. Most mage's primary mobbing skills are 300% and above with 4-6 damage lines on them.

    The skills are going to need to be buffed even more than that. Even with the FD buff we got last time Kanna skills hit way less than most other classes. I don't have any other mages over 200 right now, but my Kanna is 224 and my DA is 222, both with fairly similar gear and base stats. Buffed I have like 8m range on my Kanna and it still does less damage than my DA.

    I don't even expect to be able to do Arcana or Lach after next week.
  • Changes to Drop Rate Formula Confirmation

    Well I guess this is it then, I'm probably done. Seems more and more updates are being made to increase the grind and slow progress.

    All I'm getting is "We heard all your complaints about these changes and decided to go through with it anyways." Which isn't unexpected, it's just disappointing. More event grind is going to help and likely won't even make it to Reboot considering past events for those on that server. Unless nodes, symbols, droplets and the like have a 10x increase in there base rate, it won't matter. Good luck to those of you who can afford to spend 2-3x the amount of time you already spend on this game.

  • Increased Inventory Slots & Event Chairs.

    Honestly, I don't really like bags. I've always thought that if the players need bags because we have too many of a specific item group, perhaps that group should get it's own tab. I could see bags being more useful if they basically acted as a separate tab, 128 slots, but as they are now it only a way to temporarily slow the problem of having too many untradeable, unstackable items.

    Souls fragments should probably be managed under the soul collector. Recipes shouldn't expire and should stop dropping once collected. Coins should all go in some master tab since every event and area seems to add a new type. It's pretty bad :(
  • Blank Error Message

    There seem to be a few of these posts going around so I'll quote my post from another thread. If a mod wants to move and merge all the topics about this issue into one, that would probably also help. This is what has worked for me. No guarantees it will work for everyone and it is not a permanent fix. In fact I needed to do this again after maintenance today.
    Argent wrote: »
    If you mean you get the following
    I've had happen fairly often with the Nexon launcher. You can use the Steam launcher instead ( I haven't had any major issues with it ). Or you can take the following steps and it will usually fix things, for a while.
    1. Go to your games install folder. If you chose the default settings when installing that's going to be C:\Nexon\Library or press the little gear icon in the Launcher to bring up the game settings and click the "Open game location link"
    2. Go the games folder
    3. Rename the maplestory folder something else like maplestory1
    4. Press Play on the launcher
    5. The launcher should no longer see the game and begin to redownload the game. Press cancel, not pause.
    6. Open the game settings in the launcher and click uninstall
    7. If you kept the file explorer window open go back to it and change the name of the game install folder to something else like Games1
    8. Now open the Nexon launcher settings by clicking the arrow next to your profile picture.
    9. Scroll down to "Game installation location
    10. Click on "Change Folder"
    11. Select your newly renamed games folder. You will probably see an empty folder with the old name, this was created by the launcher, and you can delete it later.
    12. Go back to the maplestory folder and rename it back to just maplestory
    13. Press download on the Nexon launcher, it should verify that everything is in its proper place and switch to a "Play" button again
    14. Press play and if everything worked all the pathways will have been reassociated in the launcher and allow your to play again.