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  • Member Kerqxon
    Reactions: 1,870
    Posts: 281
    edited September 2016
    Fawko said:

    I am Fawko... IGN is Blaster in GRAZED... budy me !
    your in GLAZED? SO AM I.
  • Member The Blue Corsair
    The Blue Corsair
    Reactions: 1,915
    Posts: 103
    edited September 2016
    Hi all, I am Tyler Corsair / The Blue Corsair, and have been a player since Beta.
    My main has always been my Corsair, which is also what I'm (soon to be) legally named after.

    I currently reside in Southern California and have for all my life.

    A few fun tacts:
    • I used to volunteer at Nexon and worked on various projects as a QA Tester and briefly as a Forum Volunteer.
    • I enjoy doing web development and design as a career and have worked from home since I was seventeen.
    • I stream occasionally! http://twitch.com/thebluecorsair
    • I host or manage several MapleStory-related sites like MapleMation.
    Excited to see these new forums. A bit bummed to lose all the old posts and join date, but this place is that much nicer now. <3
  • Member Kerqxon
    Reactions: 1,870
    Posts: 281
    edited September 2016
    The Blue Corsair

    Hi all, I am Tyler Corsair / The Blue Corsair, and have been a player since Beta.
    My main has always been my Corsair, which is also what I'm (soon to be) legally named after.

    I currently reside in Southern California and have for all my life.

    A few fun tacts:
    • I used to volunteer at Nexon and worked on various projects as a QA Tester and briefly as a Forum Volunteer.
    • I enjoy doing web development and design as a career and have worked from home since I was seventeen.
    • I stream occasionally! http://twitch.com/thebluecorsair
    • I host or manage several MapleStory-related sites like MapleMation.
    Excited to see these new forums. A bit bummed to lose all the old posts and join date, but this place is that much nicer now. <3</p>
    oh cool you live in the same state as me.
  • Member KThxBaiNao
    Reactions: 11,690
    Posts: 300
    edited September 2016
    The Blue Corsair

    Hi all, I am Tyler Corsair / The Blue Corsair, and have been a player since Beta.
    My main has always been my Corsair, which is also what I'm (soon to be) legally named after.

    I currently reside in Southern California and have for all my life.

    A few fun tacts:
    • I used to volunteer at Nexon and worked on various projects as a QA Tester and briefly as a Forum Volunteer.
    • I enjoy doing web development and design as a career and have worked from home since I was seventeen.
    • I stream occasionally! http://twitch.com/thebluecorsair
    • I host or manage several MapleStory-related sites like MapleMation.
    Excited to see these new forums. A bit bummed to lose all the old posts and join date, but this place is that much nicer now. <3</p>
    @The%20Blue%20Corsair - You're a bit later than I thought you'd be. What took you so long?

    Edit: Spaces don't play nicely with mentions - I'll have to look into that.

  • Member The Blue Corsair
    The Blue Corsair
    Reactions: 1,915
    Posts: 103
    edited September 2016

    @The%20Blue%20Corsair - You're a bit later than I thought you'd be. What took you so long?

    Edit: Spaces don't play nicely with mentions - I'll have to look into that.

    I know right! I'm disappointed haha, but nevertheless really impressed with the new forums. Being able to write HTML is just.. bliss.

    Spaces don't play well with editing profiles either! (Tweeted at you about it) I really would hate to lose the spaces, but I'm unable to add a Twitter / Facebook / etc, as it'll state usernames can't have spaces. Previously it was done manually by a /certain/ community manager by request.

  • Member, Private Tester Kurt
    Reactions: 1,160
    Posts: 40
    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2016
    Hi everyone, my name is Kurt. I have been a MapleStory player for a number of years. Back to the time of the original MapleStory forums, I was an active member of the Volunteer Forum Moderator program and before that, an Honored Member. I went by the forum name Cujo00 and also had a MapleStory blog I updated often. I eventually took some time away from the game to focus on real life issues, but I have since started over in game and I am really enjoying the updates. This game has always been a favorite of mine and will be for years to come.
    The Blue Corsair
  • Member The Blue Corsair
    The Blue Corsair
    Reactions: 1,915
    Posts: 103
    edited September 2016
    Kurt said:

    Hi everyone, my name is Kurt. I have been a MapleStory player for a number of years. Back to the time of the original MapleStory forums, I was an active member of the Volunteer Forum Moderator program and before that, an Honored Member. I went by the forum name Cujo00 and also had a MapleStory blog I updated often. I eventually took some time away from the game to focus on real life issues, but I have since started over in game and I am really enjoying the updates. This game has always been a favorite of mine and will be for years to come.
    Hey! Missed you. <3 (I know you've been around recently, but wanted to say that regardless). I remember your blog quite well.
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2016
    The Blue Corsair

    Hi all, I am Tyler Corsair / The Blue Corsair, and have been a player since Beta.
    My main has always been my Corsair, which is also what I'm (soon to be) legally named after.
    So for 3.5 years you played without a main?
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited September 2016
    AKradian said:

    The Blue Corsair

    Hi all, I am Tyler Corsair / The Blue Corsair, and have been a player since Beta.
    My main has always been my Corsair, which is also what I'm (soon to be) legally named after.
    So for 3.5 years you played without a main?
    I mean, if we don't want to split hairs here, he probably bounced around between classes til pirates hit and went YOOOOOOOOOOO, I'M GET ME SOME MORE OF THAT

    Or something.
  • Member The Blue Corsair
    The Blue Corsair
    Reactions: 1,915
    Posts: 103
    edited September 2016
    AKradian said:

    The Blue Corsair

    Hi all, I am Tyler Corsair / The Blue Corsair, and have been a player since Beta.
    My main has always been my Corsair, which is also what I'm (soon to be) legally named after.
    So for 3.5 years you played without a main?

    AKradian said:

    The Blue Corsair

    Hi all, I am Tyler Corsair / The Blue Corsair, and have been a player since Beta.
    My main has always been my Corsair, which is also what I'm (soon to be) legally named after.
    So for 3.5 years you played without a main?
    I mean, if we don't want to split hairs here, he probably bounced around between classes til pirates hit and went YOOOOOOOOOOO, I'M GET ME SOME MORE OF THAT

    Or something.

    When I joined during Beta, I was young enough to really not grasp a good understanding of the game until a few years later, so I never really considered any of the characters I made until v.62 (Pirate update) a main, as they had only ever gotten to 35-50. When it came out, I had been pretty hyped over it for awhile, so I jumped on the bandwagon and kept on it since!

  • Member, Private Tester muhha
    Reactions: 960
    Posts: 24
    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2016
    ...huh am I to late to post in here 0_0? anyways haihai everyone ^^,
    My name is Muad and am from Kenya playing EMS currently.I have been playing MS since 2014.
    I main a Bishop from the begin of my journey.
  • Member, Private Tester zSeth
    Reactions: 800
    Posts: 27
    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2016
    heya people ! im Marcus but in maplestory or rather everywhere online people know me as zSeth or Seth.
    im from germany and played EMS constantly since the very beginning, before 3rd job, zakum and such (propably 2007 or 2008?) and i made it to #1 DS in lvl and range there.

    i like to do creative stuff. like drawing, mixing music, video edeting and such. im also a big E-sport fan if it comes to competetive super smash bros melee :D
    i also love rock, punk and metal with almost all off its subgenre's and hate the same things as everyone else. which includes standing early up and going to work :P
  • Member SpiritofMir
    Reactions: 1,780
    Posts: 29
    edited September 2016
    - Australian
    - Studies music at a university level (French Horn)
    - Love to travel to new places
    - Haven't played Maple just before the Heroes update (2016) because I was in LA and there was really bad WIFI and thus could not patch... so ended up being a tourist instead.

    Evans are the best #NoContest. I also have a twitter account.
  • Member Tashie
    Reactions: 1,450
    Posts: 122
    edited September 2016
    Hi Hi!

    -I'm Natasha but everyone in game calls me Tasha xD
    -I've been playing maple on and off for about 5+ years here and there only recently now i've been stuck to Reboot :)
    -IGN is Fluffaroos and I main a BT (add me!!!) I love meeting new random people
    - I am Canadian ^_^ and darn proud of it
    - I'm a total food junkie T_T and have a serious sweet tooth ;c
    - Currently done school last year yasss and currently work in a hospital as a MOA with some wack hours & part time I work for the biggest sports company in Toronto :) (Lets go Raptors)
    - I love sports but my favourite is Basketball & Soccer :D
  • Member Zerukan
    Reactions: 780
    Posts: 20
    edited October 2016
    Hello, I'm Zeru. I joined Maple around 4 and a half years ago.
    -I've taken a bit of a break, and don't really know what's new / going on these days.
    -I live in America
    -I like to draw, though I'm not that good at it.
    -Need to find a new character to main.

    Hope to get to know some of you.
  • Member AK712
    Reactions: 1,840
    Posts: 116
    edited October 2016
    Hello! I'm AK712! You might know me as AK712, AK7120, AK7121, AK7122, AK7123....AK71215.
    • I've been playing since mid-2011
    • I main a Hero in Khaini (AK7123)
    • I enjoy programming, playing instruments (Piano/Violin), listening to instrumental music (Studio EIM, Kieda), and playing video games
    • The main games I play are MapleStory, Cube 2: Sauerbraten, and Super Mario War
    • Don't make fun of my friends. You've been warned.
  • Member Uzume
    Reactions: 2,525
    Posts: 173
    edited October 2016
    Hello, I'm Uzume, also known as Apollon, also known as the best artist in the world.

    My attributes are:
    STR: 20
    DEX: 49
    LUK: 99
    INT: 99

    My hobbies are drawing, petting my cute boyfriend, eating chocolate, and berating my friends. Nice to meet you.
  • Member FlameWizardBlanc
    Reactions: 1,040
    Posts: 14
    edited October 2016
    Hey hey, i'm Lauren. I live in the UK currently waiting on the migration to GMS, I'm 21 and i love sleeping <3 ._.
    I have a cat called Dora (The Explorer ^w^)

    Maple Life:
    I mained different classes since i started playing EMS in 2009 mostly sticking to magicians.
    My first ever character was a Flame Wizard(Blaze Wizard i think its called here) called Blanc123.
    My current main is an I/L called IraOfInvidia.
    I occasionally play MapleStory due to during the week i work and only get weekends to either play on MS or PS4. ;_;
    I love Bossing or PQing not a gigantic fan of doing quests: Unless i have to do them i wont do them. ;o
    #Magicians4Life <3

    Work Life:
    I work in a Gift Card Company, so different retailers that you want $$$ on i'll be put in charge of putting how ever much money on the card you want/getting enough vouchers etc and ship them to you.
    It is pretty fun.
    There's always lots of laughs.

    I like gaming on PS4/PS3/PC.
    I prefer RPG games over your general FPS. (That being said i do have some shooter games for PS3 ._.)
    I love to swim; mostly underwater rather than just on top.
    I used to make MMV's on youtube with maple sprites but it was very time consuming and other things always got in the way of me wanting to create something and when i wanted to make something i had no motivation to do anything so i stopped.
    I like metal music/scream the most out of the music genres tho i don't mind other like pop music but i just don't enjoy listening to it.
    Currently playing Heavy Rain for all the trophies. *Trophy addict* T^T (MUST GET ALL THE TROPHIES!!!! :D)

    Looking forward to seeing some of you in game ;)
  • Member Petalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited October 2016
    I'm Petal. I am a Succubus from another dimension (and the forums FINALLY WORKED).

    I like to draw stuff (Mainly Maple and random doodles). I like writing poems, I play on Reboot, and main a Luminous. (considering a DS for my secondary) I co-lead a guild and overall like to talk. I also play Final Fantasy 14 (Gilgamesh if you wanna find someone to heal your crud) and I do like to roleplay. Now back to Rabbie Dungeon for me.
  • Member hypnogris
    Reactions: 530
    Posts: 22
    edited November 2016
    =.= Bit late but....
    Hullo there, my forum name hypnogris is usually shortened to hypno.

    Real Life
    A highschool student in my second year
    Saving up for a new computer
    Really interested in French and plan on becoming Valedictorian of my grade
    Plan on majoring in both political science and government and later plan to become a lawyer
    Also plan on one day traveling to France and becoming fluent in the language

    Maple Life
    Even though I knew about this game for a long time I didn't start playing until 2013
    My first character was an Aran but I forgot what server it was on the second day playing MS, so I mained a Kanna instead
    My first level 100 was a Kanna on Renegades (took me a few months)
    Mainly play and reboot and not too serious of a gamer
    Haven't been actively playing for a few months but plan on coming back one day

    Well hope you enjoyed the 2 minutes I made you waste reading this, I gotta go back to playing Mabinogi.