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Official Discord Feedback Thread

Member Okhura
Reactions: 4,185
Posts: 594
edited July 2020 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Hi everyone!

First off I want to apologise for the events in the official discord over the weekend and also the fact this thread has not been done sooner.
If you're here thinking you didn't know we had an official discord you can find it at https://discord.gg/maplestory

I have seen the feedback across discord/forums/reddit already and any further ones done there won't be ignored for this thread, it is just an easy place for people to see they can provide feedback.

So post your feedback here about anything at all relating to the official discord, but please keep within the rules of the forums.


  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited July 2020
    The discord server is seemingly only moderated by one moderator; AKradian. The other mods are either never active, don't moderate or are selective in how and who they moderate. For example, Neospector is selective in who he punishes, and it seems like he bans people for disagreeing with him.

    The only time some moderators are more active is when the CM is in the chat and something is going on.

    Generally, the maplestory discord is easy going and free of problems, but letting rebooters raid the discord not just once, but twice shows how lacking in moderating the server is.
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited July 2020
    The discord server is seemingly only moderated by one moderator; AKradian. The other mods are either never active, don't moderate or are selective in how and who they moderate. For example, Neospector is selective in who he punishes, and it seems like he bans people for disagreeing with him.

    The only time some moderators are more active is when the CM is in the chat and something is going on.

    Generally, the maplestory discord is easy going and free of problems, but letting rebooters raid the discord not just once, but twice shows how lacking in moderating the server is.

    Agreed on the majority. Seemingly only two, maybe three, mods who aren't sporadic-at-best in their activity outside of full-on shitshows going down. Granted it's not as bad as the reddit discord was(and for all I know still is), wherein you'd ping a mod(or admin) and be met with outright annoyance bordering on hostility for it.
  • Member Daxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,580
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    edited July 2020
  • Member, Private Tester AudioF
    Reactions: 1,435
    Posts: 21
    Member, Private Tester
    edited July 2020
    First of all, thanks for making this topic. If AKradian would make it, I imagine a lot of toxic backlash would follow it.

    High Important:
    Discord server needs an update under #Guidelines channel to mention VFMs and their role. What are VFMs powers and when something has to be escalated (and to who).

    High Importance
    Equal treatment. I've been abused, insulted and called out number of times by 'popular' members and VFMs instead of being neutral, warned only me.
    Granted, I am not a best example of a good Discord member and part of the general problem but I'd expect people misbehaving like me would be treated equally.

    High Importance
    More unbiased VFMs. AKradian is primary example of being angry at Reboot players for some reason. I've found his comments absolutely awful as for a VFM member. He shown that on forums as well.

    On AKradian note - I believe that community is pretty vocal about this person. Way too many flaws as for a VFM. Nobody has to be perfect but number of times when he broke rules, the same rules he bans and mutes others for is disturbing. Reminds me of a ex-EMS GM that banned people IN-GAME for disagreeing with Nexon's actions on forums, in a civil way.

    Low importance
    Nexon representatives need to be removed from their category if they're just placeholders. Query: from: Mewlynne#4156 finds 0 results. Other "green" guys have close to none posts as well. I'm confused by their presence and role in the community.
  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited July 2020
    "On AKradian note - I believe that community is pretty vocal about this person. Way too many flaws as for a VFM. Nobody has to be perfect but number of times when he broke rules, the same rules he bans and mutes others for is disturbing. Reminds me of a ex-EMS GM that banned people IN-GAME for disagreeing with Nexon's actions on forums, in a civil way.

    Low importance
    Nexon representatives need to be removed from their category if they're just placeholders. Query: from: Mewlynne#4156 finds 0 results. Other "green" guys have close to none posts as well. I'm confused by their presence and role in the community."

    Mewlynne works on another game entirely.

    As for Akradian, since they have the majority presence in the discord, that's the only person that takes the heat for doing what moderators should do.

  • Member Fawko
    Reactions: 2,360
    Posts: 120
    edited July 2020
    It would probably be better if more employees from Nexon were active on the discord or at the very least available for questions; etc. We all know how horrible the customer service is and most players have just accepted that is how it is going to be, but better communication from the actual decision makers (Anna? Korean Devs? I don't even know who we want to talk to) would be nice. People say that Nexon does not care about Nexon America because it is only 5% of Nexon's revenue, I disagree with that statement, Nexon is allegedly worth billions, so 5% is still enough to run this game and communicate properly. Nexon can't expect a few people to moderate a discord server 24/7 for free with absolutely no incentives. To add on to that, the amount of death threats, doxx threats, and hate the VFM's get is another reason why people do not want to take on that role, people do NOT like Nexon as a company right now [look at reddit] and those people will come for anyone that is even remotely associated with the company (I know that VFM's aren't associated with Nexon, but they are basically working for free for Nexon.)

    TLDR: Where's Anna?
  • Member WONDERGUY
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited July 2020
    why discord not evryone use or want to use that,why ignore forum and reddit ?
    also i agree where is nexon staff on forum/reddit?
    where is the promised transparency we got told many times ?
    why nexon team forward the messages to CM instead of directly to us on the forum/reddit ?
    or the nexon team that makes changes or before they make why dont come and talk with us directly ?

    where is anna?

  • Member Middah
    Reactions: 705
    Posts: 8
    edited July 2020

    I wholeheartedly agree with some points that have been made and would like to present another case:

    Remove VFM Akardian

    This moderator has created hostile environment with his passive aggressive comments and hostility toward certain players. If you look through his post you can see the attitude that is displayed in certain posts. The thing is they have been doing it for years. I hope with these suggestions you also look into their performance and behavior as we the community, Reddit and discord need moderators that are enthusiastic about their role with professionalism.

    I’m sure the this moderator has gotten several comments on multiple platforms that are negative and show that they are not fit for this position

  • Member Ghiblee
    Reactions: 3,795
    Posts: 684
    edited July 2020
    Thanks Okhura for making this post!
    We are well aware that there are improvements that can be made with the way we deal with and manage our Official MapleStory Discord. We'll review all the feedback and have an internal discussion about how our Discord management can be improved.
    Thank you.
  • Member Beef
    Reactions: 2,560
    Posts: 219
    edited July 2020
    Sucks that Ghiblee has to be the punching bag for the community, but game issue like this needs to be address by Anna and I don't mean the generic corporate copy pasta of "We receive feedback.....we will consider.....". kinda answer. Players want why do X, why do Y, not beating around the bushes answers. Same with customer support on the little things where they can't even give an answer until you ask them for the nth time.

    Now for the discord, need more VFM and more vetting.
  • Member, Private Tester xjunkun
    Reactions: 730
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited July 2020
    I mean if they took reports seriously ,

    i had two people in that discord call me **** every time I spoke they kept saying it.
    I screenshotted it and reported it to mods and they didn't even reply.
    They think so highly of themselves its sad.
  • Member BobbyWeave
    Reactions: 1,615
    Posts: 31
    edited July 2020
    Ghiblee wrote: »
    Thanks Okhura for making this post!
    We are well aware that there are improvements that can be made with the way we deal with and manage our Official MapleStory Discord. We'll review all the feedback and have an internal discussion about how our Discord management can be improved.
    Thank you.

    I know it's probably some official policy for employees that communicate with the public, but the PR language you guys use in official channels is really unhelpful. It makes everything Nexon employees say feel super disingenuous.

    It would be a positive change to act more like you all do outside of work. It's done wonders for other large companies in the gaming space like Riot.
  • Member AnEpicSquirrel
    Reactions: 590
    Posts: 18
    edited July 2020
    Ghiblee wrote: »
    Thanks Okhura for making this post!
    We are well aware that there are improvements that can be made with the way we deal with and manage our Official MapleStory Discord. We'll review all the feedback and have an internal discussion about how our Discord management can be improved.
    Thank you.

    I think both the forums and Discord share the same core issue. Players want to be heard and make an impact, but they are ignored or told change is coming, when it doesn't.

    A simple example: I just read through the user Unemployed's suggestion thread about "The problem with Cash Shop updates" (http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/28865/the-problem-with-cash-shop-updates#latest), where they share discussions about how users aren't being heard for what they want to spend money on. Ghiblee was contacted by Unemployed and among other points acknowledged that items are not being selected by player and are instead just chosen months in advance. It is stated that the only way to contact this mysterious "team" is only via Ghiblee directly, which puts a lot of stress on her and unjustly makes failures to implement change like this seem like her fault somehow, which I know isn't true.

    Now, I have a suggestion that CS hair boxes should rotate weekly to keep interest high and options diverse. I haven't posted it to the forum because:
    1) KMS doesn't do this. It is clear GMS gets whatever KMS does, regardless of flaws, and anything independent isn't polished or QA-tested (ie. Gollux difficulty-to-reward (why is his loot not instanced?!), Familiars being ruined then locked away, Beast Tamer skill tree having issues functioning without expansion, Kannas/Totems always being a hot topic, the list goes on).
    2) It falls on deaf ears. No "admins" reply or acknowledge anything, and when someone of note replies, nothing changes. In May of 2018 the user Argent posted "Adding V-Matrix Safeguards" (http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/19591/adding-v-matrix-safeguards), in which AKradian replied "Thank you for the detailed and demonstrated suggestions. I agree that accidentally disassembling a high-level node is all too easy, and needs protection. I have forwarded this thread." Nothing has changed, and this takes away any sense of contribution to the game.

    Now, as a long conclusion about the Discord from talking about the forum: the Discord is not the most official place to post, the forums are. If the forums have the failure to allow actual input, how can the Discord succeed while being less official? If the Discord isn't official enough to have any impact, then what's the point of it? Both need to have transparency and figureheads with authority and impact on the decisions. Outrage needs to be heard, I understand silencing spam, however, it needs to be addressed more than "we told the "team", hopefully they reply." The issue fall less on the volunteers and more on this "team" that no one seems to hear from.
  • Member, Private Tester xjunkun
    Reactions: 730
    Posts: 6
    Member, Private Tester
    edited August 2020
    I will also add that reporting users in the discord to VFMS is the worst thing you can do, AS they'll tell the person you report.
    Talk about being professionals. LMFAO
  • Member TerrorStreak
    Reactions: 2,320
    Posts: 500
    edited October 2020
    Fawko wrote: »
    those people will come for anyone that is even remotely associated with the company (I know that VFM's aren't associated with Nexon, but they are basically working for free for Nexon.)

    Aggraphine: "Hello!"

    I will post Akradians reaction, he always sides with this guy, at least that is the way Aggraphine and Akradian makes me feel about it, I think they are good buddies. Kinda jealous as I view Aggraphine as a rival.

    Also as an added suggestion, since we are openly giving our Discord ids to Nexon (to sign up for the maplefest lotto). Nexon should actively search other discord servers and ban any one bad mouthing Nexon. Gotta silence the people's freedom of speach to stay in power, don't you know lol.

    *disclaimer above statements are SARCASTIC and opinions... lighten up 'cause I can take a joke too.

    I do need the odd kick in the butt from the mods from time to time the above is an example of my humor. But some times I feel like I can't be me and openly speak my mind on the official forums and discord. As I am an emotional/reactive person(also suffering in rl a bit as I have a few mental health issues, but still functional, a little slack would be nice). My out bursts are more and more controlled as time goes by as I actively visit my mental health counselor for guidance. I would love to attend an actual maple fest, was wanting to as I am only a day and a half drive on the HWY i5, but I don't know how a person such as myself would be received as I can be Boisterous, Loud, Opinionated, and unfortunately offensive some times... but despite my quirks I do have a good heart/loving wife(you have no idea how fortunate I am to have her and my kids).

    I am kinda happy that I can now remotely visit maple fest, of course under unfortunate circumstances. Given my situation this may be for the best =D.

    I just wanted to raise awareness that there are a lot more people like me out there(often misunderstood suffering in silence), and can face many unusual circumstances and hardships and I pray for them, especially if they are brave enough to fight their nature and try to open up and socialize on these platforms, despite any difficulties and underlying conditions that they have that others may not be aware of.

    MapleStory has been a real help for me, a safe rock to hold on to in a raging river, a place I can take a break from my problems. I am sure I am not the only one who feels how I do about the game. It is a great enjoyable distraction. I am sorry, I am an extremely open person, for any offense, even my misunderstood sense of humor(what I got going with Aggraphine is a kin to sibbling rivalry from my perspective but don't take this the wrong way Aggraphine but Iuv ya man, even when you shoot my threads and ideas down and I try to get you back lol.)

    /end rant

    God Bless

This discussion has been closed.