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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Closed Kanna hackers every where and every channel
Only reason I have a numbered name (i.e #0000) is because of an old account and they were taking character names I guess away from inactives, and when I logged in, that's what I got, but I can't change it without paying $15 I suppose.
KMS doesn't have botter problem? I'm korean and I am just laughing at this... KMS is filled with botters.. almost every single channel in arcane river has a botter lol Now the Koreans are pissed because KMS just released a magnetic pet because it helps the botter more.
Hi Spuddy! I did see your message on my thread as well! I do have a question to ask? I know you cannot remember the Gm's name you spoke of, but if it's been this long, you might want to contact them again (They are human, and there could be a chance he/she honestly forgot). I still don't believe you should pay $15 dollars, but the moderator might be right about the time. You should try to remember as best as you can and give them at least one more contact before resorting to buying. And try to list out your pros and cons for Keeping/ maybe deleting your character/paying the $15 to change your name. I am sorry. I am not good help to you, but that is the best advice I can give. If I was in your situations, I would have deleted my character and create a new name (or keep it as a mule and move on with a new character). But you are not me, and I am not always the person with the best advice. I wish you luck!
No problem! Just got my account to 170 after having some serious lag issues but all is well. Gonna contact them now and see if that cant be done, I mean 15 is no big deal to me overtime, I can live with the name I got until then if that happens to be the way it is. Do you have an account on Scania at all?
I wish we had a GM like you.
There are actually a number of reasons why hackers use Kanna and making sure they are indeed hacking/botting is very easy, here are some guide lines:
1. bots wont respond to you if you talk to them.
2. bots USUALLY have names made from a random string of numbers and letters.
3. bot Kanna's will usually spam the teleport ability without moving to teleport randomly anywhere in the map.
4.sometimes bots use a hack that teleport's all monsters to them and that's VERY easy to notice.
5.bots will usually spam the same abilities over and over again.
6.bots and especially Kanna's almost never jump and if they do its usually very impercise and random or they use ladders/ropes.
Hope this helped!
The sole reason is you lose everything if you get caught and banned in KMS.
There is no "delete hackers" button, there's a moral conflict between not getting caught or never being able to play again. That doesn't exist in GMS because it's so easy to create a new account.
Then why don't we have it here in GMS as well?
Outside of that, no. It would not be easy to eliminate hacking, no matter how good your game is, its still a computer program, and computer programs cannot easily determine whether or not the commands they are given come from a human or other software.
Machine learning is probably the primary anti-hack of the future, basically an AI that evaluate the behavior of a client to determine if the actions are human behavior or are too precise and consistent to be human. Of course, eventually hackers will just make bots that behave more like humans, making mistakes and behaving with less precision and speed.
7. Will also dissapear into the cash shop when another person appears in the map :P (sometimes though, not always)
Not every Kanna is a hack\bot but a good portion use that job for (im guessing) the Haku spell spam and all that which just annihilates everything on the map with no chance for anyone else to do anything. Not much we can do other than report the living bejeezus out of them lol
Just wanted to point that out, and also a bit of direction if you wanted to go on a bot-reporting spree.
Bro, I truly feel sorry to tell you this but I haven't reported a hacker for atleast 5 years now.
I came to an conclusion that it's absolutey, 100% useless! it truly is!
So basically, if you're reporting hackers, you're wasting your time, and time is money (or mesos :P), which means that reporting hackers = wasting time/money.
My advice is, do not report any hackers/botters, it's a complete waste of time.
Even if you chat a GM about some hacker, with proofs, screen shots, video, etc, the hacker might get banned, but there are too many hackers out there and no one is going to do this to every single hacker, lol.
If we really wanna get rid of hackers, there are only one team that can do it, and that's nexon themselves.
Please don't advocate for people to not report hackers just because you can't personally see the direct impact it has.
Maplestory is a video game. The entire point of it is to waste time.
I actually agree with him about it.
I've been reporting hackers for so long before (I am no longer report hackers) and yet, no one of them has ever got banned...
So it's definitely wasted my time.
Unfortunately, it took me a while to learn this lesson... (that reporting hackers is really useless and a waste of time).
Starry answered it but it's due to accounts being tied to SSN (IIRC). Due to the fact that we are a global service we can't also use SSN as there are other regions that don't have it.
I'm for some other form of two step auth, but that's up to Nexon in the end and how they want to handle it.
Each report does do something. It seems like it doesn't do much because the names are so random and so similar and they are still doing the same thing.
For example, Henesys advertisers have different names every couple of days from what I notice which would mean the original account was banned but another one took it's place. So reporting will show to nexon that, "hey we still have a problem". Regardless of whether you report it or not, the issue may not be solved but if you report at least there's a record that can be brought back up that hey, there's a botting problem. If no one reported anything, that's when on paper nexonNA can go out to the public and say "we have no botting problem because there are no more reports", even if every channel is just full of botters.
Whether you specifically want to report or not or think it's useless is up to you, but they are a company that goes off of records/reports. If people aren't complaining, then the problem doesn't exist. So even if you think it's useless, I wouldn't advocate for everyone to stop doing it.
Dual Blade Hackers? that's a strange choice to hack with. In what server are db hackers popping out in?
It's sad but true... nexon will never take care of hackers/botters