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  • coolflamos wrote: » you could ask them for it back, considering that they're active enough for you to not steal it back, but i believe it only lets the top ranks "steal" it, so, what you can do to prevent future theft of guilds is set it so that o…
  • Neospector wrote: » Yes, on June 9th all characters specified by the parameters in
  • ShadEight wrote: » sorry you came to the wrong place, this forum hates single world servers, they'd rather play in an empty ghost town but then come here and whine about how they can't do events because its too empty ShadEight wrote: » sorry yo…
  • Jez wrote: » this really needs to be answered I doubt he'd get any answer, also that person whom caused ZeroSense to get a ban is probably due to the fact that he's paying and buying more nx than ZeroSense, it's really sad to see how nexon is p…
  • TerrorStreak wrote: » Jez wrote: » iArrowZ wrote: » Cadena91 wrote: » Joshing wrote: » why is nexon support ignoring us? rofl, it's been like this for over ten years, i decided to just give up and quit, once and for all... they lit…
  • HHG1 wrote: » Kaiser4Ever wrote: » we all know that 97% of kannas are literally hackers and botters *Citation needed. Just because your guild and alliance is either illegit as hell, or inactive as hell, doesn't mean everyone else's is. A ve…
  • HHG1 wrote: » BBQTime wrote: » HHG1 wrote: » XenonFunz wrote: » Nexon adding pic to storage has defeated me I have no desire to play the game anymore because of this That's a bit dramatic. It's a couple more clicks, just like with nodes. A…
  • AaronHusky wrote: » The problem is the people clamoring for a merge are the vocal minority. They act like they speak for the majority despite most people outside the forums not wanting a merge, and when presented with legitimate concerns about a s…
  • SaintMask wrote: » Hello! I want to offer this kind of event because some of us has really good characters in dead servers sometimes, and I personally wish to play with other people cause we can all agree it's more fun. anyone vouch for this?…
  • Neospector wrote: » cheezburger85 wrote: » Careful when you talk about it, I've been screaming and crying about the fact that we want it to be fixed and I got a "warning" for "argueing" and such, lol, just careful when you're talking about this …
  • Yoongi wrote: » Every day. Every. Single. Day. Henesys is filled with spammers. It's nothing new, yet it never changes. Despite the regular occurrence, there is no one there patrolling this and stopping it. I don't understand why there isn't a gm …
  • DarkPassenger wrote: » theres already 250 arks in eu reboot? dang Hahaha, you see? this is the company that you're always protecting them as if you were their lawyer... But remember, the more you protect them (and also if you're going to prote…
  • HuskyDM wrote: » Finding hackers is annoying. They are so prevalent it gives the impression that Nexon doesn't care anymore. I get they are hard to get rid of but one thing is having a bot or 2, another is to have up to 16 channels with bot issues…
  • Fyre wrote: » Hi, I submitted a ticket to Nexon about another world transfer event, and they suggest that I put it here. Can we have another event like this? Reason being is because I have not been playing MapleStory for a long time now, and…
  • EvanTrinity wrote: » Since the last time of Special Beauty Coupons Event in 2017 on V Update(Champions) till now we didnt got that Event again and now it 2018 and it 1.5 Year passed then When will we getting the Special Beauty Coupons Event? i …
  • Cadena91 wrote: » JushiroNet wrote: » Maybe we could try going down to 3 or 4 worlds first and see how it is. 4 world solution is easy: Bera Scania Windia "The rest" Reboot 3 world solution has some options: Bera Scania Windia …
  • Peep wrote: » DSpellGuy wrote: » riza wrote: » ...but the majority has spoken we want a merge. ALSO I WANT TO SEE TIFA SENSEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the majority that are on the forums, keep in mind that not all players use the f…
  • Peep wrote: » This is a MMO. Aka Massively Multiplayer Online game. There's no "massive" without the population. Right now there are servers is DIRE need of a merge and have been in need of a merge since last year. Why Nexon is taking so long to a…
  • WZrk wrote: » Cadena91 wrote: » Conrad wrote: » I recently came back to game, almost a week now, and I saw that Broa is just dead. There are very little players and it's just no fun at all. I saw that I missed the server transfer event and al…
  • Yoongi wrote: » If I wasn't in a really great guild, I'd totally say down, especially in the dead servers, due to a lack of people playing. As everoyne say, let the merge begin! ruth02 wrote: » strange and remember the old maplestory and wizet…