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  • KMS PIN System

    Sherri wrote: »
    I'm the only one here who doesn't care for it? Looks more of a cluster to me than the old one.
    Is it that hard to have a number only PIN?
    I mean PIN does mean Personal Identification Number.

    JushiroNet wrote: »
    What does the invisible login checkbox do

    it makes the characters that you enter invisible

    Edit: it makes you login in offline mode.

    Now that is pretty useful. I'd like that.

    Actually it's way more convenient to use that Keyboard, then our's ( the old kms one ) Pic pad.
    i used that keyboard mulitple times on different region maple storys, and it's just That much better.

    it's also not secure to just have a pic/pin made out of numbers, and it's a Nightmare to type/click letters on our current pic pad :(

  • [BUG]Cane got hit-sound that interfere with Skills

    Bug type: sfx,gameplay

    Brief bug summary: Phantom's cane normal attack got a hit sound that interferes with skill sounds and thus creating double or even triple sounds in the nova update

    More details: phantoms cane normal attack got a hit sound effect ( it came from JMS that's the only other version where phantom's cane got a hit sound) When phantoms use normal attack with a cane there's shouldn't be any hit sound effect, but this update (nova) added one and it interfers with skill sounds effect because they weren't designed with a normal weapon hit sound in-mind; phantom's cane doesn't have a hit sound (it's silent) in kms.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Make a phantom
    2. Use a normal non-skill regular attack and hear the cane make a hit-sound effect ( canes normal attacks aren't supposed to have a hit-sound effect they are supposed to be silent )

    Phantom basic cane attacks aren't supposed to have a hit-sound effect :
    (this is the bugged version where canes got a hit-sound; this is GMS)

    it's supposed to be like this, silent:
    (this is how it's supposed to sound like; or rather not make a sound at all it's supposed to be silent )
    the cane didn't have a hit sound effect in gms up until the nova patch.

    (this is THMS which is identical to KMS)
    Here's how the cane is supposed to sound like or rather not make any sounds at all ( normal hits are silent but skills have sounds ) :

    (this is GMS, the cane sound effect came from JMS ,which is the only other version that had this before the nova patch hit GMS and thus gms got it as well)
    Here's how the cane sounds like after the nova update in GMS:

    The cane hit sound effect interferes with the skills sound effects, it adds an unnecessary additional sound when using skills.

    Skills that the cane hit-sound effect interferes with are:
    1. Double Entendre
    2. Calling Card
    3. Mille Cartes
    4. Blason
    5. Rapier Wit (this skill is really annoying to use because; you effectively get 4 different sound effects; 2 comes from the skill itself and another 2 regular basic attack hit-sounds, which are really irritating)
    6. Penombre
    7. Carte Rose Finale

    Canes basic attacks should not have any hit-sounds; they were designed to be silent as seen in KMS.
    (canes hit sound-effect should be removed, as to not effectively make a loophole for any future bugs; because this is not present in kms; some future updates could cause a major issue with this little difference; it's also very irritating to hear multiple unnecessary sounds that interferes with the original skill sounds)

    Character name: Ushër

    Character level: 217

    Character job: Phantom

    World name: Bera

    Date and time of the incident: The V190 Nova Game update, November 28th, 2017

  • It's time for a change.

    i wanna chime in and tell you a little something.

    hackers and botters will always find a way around any security set in place. i have played MMORPG's that cost money, i would still get messages advertising illicit activity's like selling in game currency for real money and such. heck they may even go as far as hacking other peoples accounts to advertise for all i know.

    there is an old saying to keep in mind; "Where there's a will, there's a way." that goes double when money can be made. hackers, cheaters, and botters really ruin games, but there is no real magic bullet to stop them 100%. Nexon will do what it can to stop them, but there is only so much they can do at one time.

    But the problem is that those "hackers/botter/etc" have and are continuing to ruin the games economy for everyone!

    PS. we don't have tradeable cash equpis master/meister cubes,and a lot of goodies beccause of those so called "hackers" in nexon words or nexons vfms words (not trying to be insulting )

    the hackes could buy cash equpis sell them for meso or vice versa, and we don't have reward points as drops from elite bosses because of them.

    +we don't have the ability to fully buy certain cash items with reward points alone, because again, you guessed it: "hackers"

    i wish they could find some way that would benefit the legit players while punishing those "hackers".

    i'm sick of the fact that gms doesn't get good stuff because of hackers aka: cheaters that cheat and "feels like" they don't get punished, or punished enough to not cheat again. sigh...

  • Raise Mesos Cap To 100B

    L4d2jpn wrote: »
    Neospector wrote: »
    Er, why exactly are you buying a Fafnir weapon for 20b when the average cost of a clean weapon is typically ranging from 5m-20m (often on the lower-end of that scale)? I won't question your decision or anything, but Fafnirs are not typically worth twice the meso cap.

    Also, please do not accuse others of scamming on the forums. Report them in-game or file a ticket.

    Ok... I can only stand so much. Do you expect players to kill endgame bosses with clean fafnir gear?

    Do you expect people to roll $1k just in cubes(main/bpot) to get 2-3 lines of %attack on average(main/bpot)?

    Then when that's all over, and they play this game enough to get the next upgrade of arcane shade are you expecting that player who spent $1000 to sell this item for 10b and call it a day?

    Are you freaking serious right now?

    10B should be way more valuable then it is right now, we can thank botters for that, in KMS the 30B meso increase is more then enough, because mesos there are just that much more valubale.

    GMS 1 Billion Mesos = 1.3/1.4 Maple Points/NX/USD
    KMS 1 Billion Mesos = 66.3/66.4 Maple Points/NX/USD

    do you see my point? ( sigh if we only didn't have any or as much botters, though it's not an easy task to kill them off, but when 1 Billion in game currency is worth jackshit, that's when you know you got a problem with your in game currency.

    because doing trades for over 100 or even 300 of Billions can result in scams, and items are priced way too high ( which is just nuts for new players )
    for ex: 17 Stared Arcane Umbra gear in kms is worth like 7.3/7.5 Billion of mesos.

    in gms arcane umbra gear is worth more then 250 Billion mesos or maybe even more, i know that players in gms just sell items for usd, so it's nearly impossible to buy end game gear with a reasonable amount of mesos.

    Mesos should become way way way more valuable in GMS then they currently are, because that hurts everyone

  • ★★ Allow Cash Items and RP to function like KMS ★★

    Improving Reward Points:

    Make reward points function excatly the same as they do in : KMS/JMS/CMS/TMS/ThaiMS/MSEA
    In those regions you are able to buy some cash shop items with full reward points price ( 100% Reward Point and 30% Reward Points Options, and not just a 30% discount )
    • Items Like: 90 day Cash clothes, pets ,pet skills, pet equips, and the list goes on....

    • This would be amazing because we could buy temp nx or other good stuff from the cash shop with reward points only.
      again, not all of the items in the cash shop are purchasable with full reward points

    • ( instead of paying, for ex: 2,500 NX, you can pay 2,500 in Reward points to purchase an item from the cash shop )
      not from the rewards shop.

    Edit more info about this: In KMS you can choose to pay with 30% mileage or 100%. The latter will make the cash item unable to payback, trade or gift.
    Items that cannot be purchased with Mileage:

    - Limited items, discounted items and packages
    - Power Elixirs, Monster Life related items ( Power Elixirs comes as a bonus when purchasing maple points coupon from the cash shop in the other regions )
    - Gacha items (pandora box, royal etc)
    - Items with gift function like friendship rings

    You can buy Cash items using 100% Mileage! Some items have a limit per Nexon ID, you cannot gift, trade, or pay-back items bought from the Mileage Shop.

    In addition to regular methods of collecting Mileage, you can now defeat Elite Monsters and get Mileage Packages. These can be used up to 5 times per Maple ID and give 50~80 Mileage each.

    Credit for the extra information goes to: Spadow and OrangeMushroom

    Now i know it's a small thing but... having played kms as low-level player i was Level 30, and got 60 Reward point token by defeating a tough elite mob or monster, however you want to call it, just... felt.... Incredibly Rewarding, and just that little thing made me want to continue playing, it's like the game said: "Well Done for clearing this hard content, here's a reward for your efforts"

    it's those little things that keep the players coming back for more :)

    And please make all NX Equips in the Cash shop have a permanent duration.

    PS. I know that Botters and Hackers are a HUGE problem in GMS, but we shouldn't suffer just because of them.
    ie : meso market wasn't implemented in gms for a while because of botters, but look now, we have the meso market, and everythings fine, mesos are still inflated, and were inflated even before the meso-market was introduced.

    * Also note that ThaiMS ( Thailand ) is a new server and they already have all of the above features.
    Yes Can confirm played on that server, everything is accurate.

    Here's a video of a ThaiMS Player buying a perm cash clothes with Mileage only ( Reward Points ) he has 6 Cash ( NX ), 82 Maple Points, and 57 Mileage ( Reward Points ) before he buys the item, after he bought the item he is left with 8 Mileage ( Reward Points ) , 6 Cash ( NX ), and 82 Maple Points.

    The currency at Thailand is different, and the a ThaiMS player told me, that 1 Cash = 1 Thai baht so the cash items at ThaiMS are not cheaper then in GMS or Vice Versa.
    ( Start watching from: 1:25 )

    • THMS / ThaiMS = Thailand MapleStory
    • TMS = Taiwan / Hong Kong MapleStory
    • CMS = China MapleStory
    • KMS = Korea MapleStory
    • JMS = Japan MapleStory
    • EMS = Europe MapleStory
    • GMS = Global MapleStory
    • MapleSEA / MSEA = South East Asia MapleStory
    • Mileage = Reward Points

    *Edit: Apparently you can even purchase items with full reward points in MapleSEA ( So Reward points works the same way across all the regions, besides GMS )

    Improve Cash Items, and Crafted Cubes and possibly Crafted Flames, Make them all fully Tradeable:

    In Every Region Besides GMS, players can freely trade: Pets / Red, Black, Bonus Cubes / Crafted Flames and Crafted Cubes / PSOK / Cash Scrolls / Style Boxes etc,
    in the Auction house or to other players.

    That's the real big change nexon should make, i'm sick of having Account Tradeable only Nodestones because of excuses like: "It's Because of Botters and hackers"
    *I know that you can get fully tradeable Nodestones from nodecrafting, but that's just not enough. ( also with the lower drop rate we get even less nodestones then before, so less node shards in turn making even less crafted nodes.

    This really kills the market, you know how awesome would it be to buy a perm pet or a bonus potential cube from the auction house ?
    or let's say you done cubing and you got 5 cubes left, in current gms you get 3 options:

    1. Cube something else and hope for the best
    2. Sell it as a service to someone else
    3. Let it rot in your inventory until it expires

    In the other regions ( yes every region besides GMS, i'm talking about KMS, TMS, CMS Etc..., even MSEA which is ran by Asia Soft which Many Sea players keep saying they are an even worse company )

    Players have 5 Options:

    1. Cube something else and hope for the best
    2. Sell it as a service to someone else
    3. Sell it in the auction house for mesos
    4. trade it to another player for meso or service
    5. Let it rot in your inventory until it expires

    Here's the Auction House in KMS:

    *Note: That in order for a Cash or NX item to be fully tradeable to either; another player, or to sell in the auction house, the item Must be bought with NX-Only Cash items bought with Maple Points, or Reward Points ( if we get the option to use 100% Reward Points on certain Cash Items like in other regions )
    are Not Tradeable at all.

    So someone still has to pay NX for the item ( but that someone has the choice to either, use it, or sell it )

    And obviously the item must not be used ( can't trade perm nx after you wear it ), or a cash coupon after you used it.

    *I don't know how would GMS' NX-Prepaid and NX-Credit Unique System would work with that however, ( GMS is the only region with NX credit and Prepaid, other regions only have 4 options; Cash ( NX ), Maple Points, 30% Reward Points Discount, Pay with 100% Reward Points ( for certain items like pets and cash clothes )

    Please Nexon, listen to us; introduce/implement this suggestions and PERM NX in the cash shop, then we get PERM NX in the cash shop, instead of 90 days, and you get that money from us ( because it would have a permanent duration instead of 90 days, people would start buying )

    GMS Should make all Cash Equipment Tradeable with other players and in the Auction House ( Like all the other regions can )
    that is why KMS Regular Server are more popular then reboot ( You can buy Red, Black,Bonus Potential cubes or even pets with Meso from the Auction House )

    All Cash Items purchased with NX would be Fully Tradeable to other players, and to sell on the Auction House, Remove Trading restrictions of Most of the items, like Crafted cubes, dropped Nodestones, and possible Crafted Flames.

    Make GMS' Reward Point Function The Same as KMS' Mileage: Being able to buy certain items from the cash shop with 100% Reward Points like; Pets, Cash Clothes, etc.
    and make Elite Mobs and Bosses drop Reward Point Token ( that give about 50 - 80, and have a limit of 5 Per Day )

    Remove Trading Restrictions from items that have the prefix: "Transferable Through Account Only" in GMS, Allow us to fully trade Cash Items in the Auction House and With Other Players, like the other regions can, that should help everyone tremendously

    Add to the poll: And The Tradeability of all Cash Items.

    Then Everyone will be Happy <3
