And things like these are exactly the reasons why they shouldn't discontinue gamelauncher.exe just yet. Thankfully I haven't "upgraded" so I can still get on for 2x, but we're all screwed after the 23rd.
It was listed among the rewards at first though, but was edited out of the post. I find it kinda silly to remove it halfway into the sale after you've already fixed the skill related to it.
Entering ´ and e does not result in é, etc. I have ä as a key on my keyboard because Sweden and that doesn't get registered, neither does ¨ and a in combination though.
They made it work in the EMS client so I don't see why it can't be done for GMS now that accented characters are available and being used by pretty much everyone. It's a real hassle for things like whispering/invites and for people who prefer chatting with friends in their first language.
I agree that event times should be more clear and consistent. But we all know Nexon would rather take the easy way out so yes, just change it back to PST and maybe have event notifications run 24/7 but with limited entries per day (bingo/flag/invasion/whatever else) and quest specific times have a UTC equivalent window (orchid calls/edelstein rebels). The new 2x times can stay though.