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  • Possible to extend current events for a few days?

    Hi Maplers! No promises, but is Dice Master the only current event where it feels stressed on time?
  • Look of the Month - August Winner Announcement

    Renni wrote: »
    Aww, I was 1 point away, so close! :D Congrats to the winners.

    By the way, if Personal Taste is out of 3, is there a reason why some of the entries have a 4?

    It appears some of our judges didn't quite get this memo! Because one of our winners had their total point inflated from this slip up, we will look into this and make changes to the original post with final results.

    Big apologies on this error and we'll be sure to have this all sorted out.
  • *NEW* Cash Shop Suggestions Thread

    I'm going to be replacing our current NX suggestion thread with this one since it's well organized and provides everyone with clear instructions. Of course, this doesn't mean that we're disregarding all existing suggestions in the previous thread. We'll be compiling all the ones from there, but it would be best if new suggestions were posted through this thread.

    Thank you guys for putting this together!
  • Look of the Month - August Winner Announcement

    Ahoy, Maplers! Apologies for the delay on August's results!

    Last month we shared our judging sheet with the contestants and it looked like you guys enjoyed seeing how well you fared with the judges. Due to this, we've brought it back for this month as well so check here to see how you performed with your look: http://ow.ly/ksxG30eVNs4

    Please give a round of applause to our winners:
    Grand Prize Winner


    When an idol enters a fashion contest, you can guarantee that they plan on winning. Aventyr takes an iconic character and replicates their theme down to perfection with a MapleStory touch. From the notes, to the leek, Aventyr doesn't skip a beat on this seemingly perfect look of Hatsune Miku!
    Runner Ups


    What happens when you take a trendy item such as the Red Checkered Shirt and make it a supplement to your overall look instead of the main focus? According to SilentHollow's entry, you get a trendy look, a perfect theme, splashed with originality, and mixed with humor, served in a watermelon.


    Truly dazzling! A great use of theme and color to maximize total aesthetic appeal! Colorful is eye catching, and eye catching is deserving of a spot in this contest!


    You can't expect to just throw on anything and win a fashion contest. However, this is not a case of simply throwing on garbage expecting to win. Noctes shows us that even the most simplest of everyday items can be made into a well conceptualized theme. Packed with originality, theme, and humor, Notces masterfully captures the image of an elevated lower class Mapler.


    Another winner?! It can't be helped if there are too many pretty contestants in a single month! While we typically would break ties, there was a bit of misunderstanding with the judging. It would be a blatant lie for me to say that Renni doesn't look worthy of a winning with their look! Such regal elegance with the vibrant force of nature makes for perfection along with justice to the fairy queen theme!

    Thank you to everyone who participated in August's Look of the Month contest and don't be discouraged if you didn't win!

    If you did not win this month's contest, we'd love to see your entry again within this upcoming month!
    Winners are NOT permitted to enter the same look in future Look of the Month contests, however, this rule does not apply for those who have yet to hold a winning look (Runner Up does not count as a winning look)

    We'll be sending out the prizes before 9/15/2017, please contact us if you do not receive your Maple Points by the specified date.

        Grand Prize:
        Runner Ups:
  • Changes to Drop Rate Formula Confirmation

    Greetings Maplers,

    We made a promise to keep the community informed ahead of time should balance changes to the drop rate be applied in the Global version of MapleStory.

    We have confirmed that these balance changes will be a part of our v188 update. We’re aware of the initial feedback that the community had towards this change and we’d like to share the reasoning behind this decision. Progression for each Mapler is different and this progression was heavily divided by how fast and efficient an individual could farm for items.

    From the release of new content, a visible line could be seen between those with a great deal of drop rate gear to those who could not acquire such gear. It is the intention of this change to address this widening gap and the balance of content completion across all Maplers.

    With the changes to the balance of drop rate, the formula for drop rate gear will be changed. This means that stacking a great deal of items dedicated towards increasing drop rate will not have the same effectiveness as it does currently.

    Again, we know that this will affect our hardcore Maplers who have invested time and resource into acquiring the best drop rate gear. Due to this, there will also be an increase to the base drop rate of highly sought after farmable items such as Nodestones with this update. Additionally, we will do our best to introduce more events with desired items obtained through previous means of farming as rewards.

    Thank you,

    - Maple Team