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Last Active
  • Important Notice in Regards to PTS Accessibility

    Greeting Maplers,

    For those who have registered for the PTS, we have urgent news to inform the community.
    Please read here: http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/24437/important-info-about-private-test-server-pts
    • Luna & Reboot characters cannot be copied over to the play test server.
    • Highest leveled non-Reboot & Luna character will copied over to the PTS.

    We will continue to investigate the technical possibilities for future rounds of the PTS.
  • Look of the Month - July Winner Announcement

    Ahoy, Maplers!

    As promised with the results of last month's contest we have included our judging sheet for the contest of July.
    If you would like to see how your entry performed with our panel of judges, please see here: http://ow.ly/7Ksl30e0dOL

    Should you have any questions with the scoring, you're more than welcomed to ask.
    However, as much as we'd like to include reasoning behind the scoring of each individual, we do not have the time and resources to have it all documented.

    Without further ado! Please give a round of applause to our winners:
    Grand Prize Winner


    Absolutely a Mapler that would have you do a double-take if they walked by you! A dazzling look featuring what's hot and new in a style that would steal any spotlight.
    Runner Ups


    You'd think the bright colors that work wonderfully well with the theme of nature is the charm of this entry, however, there's a very subtle undertone of serenity that ties together the bright and calm in one look.


    Is old the new in? Taboo redefines the statement of "out with the old and in with the new" because his ancient apparel is packed with divine justice and cuteness!


    Time to address the pink elephant in the room! Sayüri takes a trendy approach by going for what's cute without trying too hard.

    Thank you to everyone who participated in July's Look of the Month contest and don't be discouraged if you didn't win!

    If you did not win this month's contest, we'd love to see your entry again within this upcoming month!
    Winners are NOT permitted to enter the same look in future Look of the Month contests, however, this rule does not apply for those who have yet to hold a winning look (Runner Up does not count as a winning look)

    We'll be sending out the prizes before 8/15/2017, please contact us if you do not receive your Maple Points by the specified date.

        Grand Prize:
        Runner Ups:
    • dena - 10,000 Maple Points
    • Taboo - 10,000 Maple Points
    • Sayüri - 10,000 Maple Points
  • Stuff for next ‘A Better Maple’

    We'll be giving you guys an update regarding some of the suggestions in this thread soon.
  • [VOTE] Official MapleStory Discord Icon

    A big round of applause for Shiyumi's entry for winning the popular vote!
    We will be changing the icon of our Official Discord server today and hope you guys enjoy the fresh look.

    Special thanks to all the artists who participated in this event and to those of you who voted.
  • Override TakeOver Rewards Event Missing?

    We're currently looking into this. Once we have more information, we'll get back to ya'll.