PS: How do you manage to get 120% drop rates? I'm assuming it's something that involves RL cash, in which case I can't do anything about it but if it's an accumulation of things that don't cost cold cash, what is it?
If you're on a normal server, it's going to cost cash or a lot of reward points and crafting/farming/whatever, not exactly sure all the methods to earn cubes on those. (Reboot buys with mesos)
Rings, Face/Eye Accessories and Pendants all have the ability to get "Drop Rate +20%" at the legendary tier if they're level 120 or higher.
Having the Ability +20% as well as 5 items with drop rate 20% gave me a total of 120%.
Warframe uses an in-house engine called "Evolution Engine" and is always updated internally to meet the needs of the game(Currently they are working on updating the rendering part the engine). They are still very new to the whole mmo space.
While maplestory does have an in-house engine, it is never updated(new skeleton animation system.and cap are just gimmicks) and running on legacy code. Between the two it's very clear who's doing a very good job at maintaining their game to run smoothly with a team of 200 workers vs a giant corporation.
Regardless of that fact, you still have to consider the starting point of the two companies.
Wizet was far from being a giant corporation when MapleStory was first created.
No that doesn't excuse the way the game was handled moving forward, but that does set the stage for the way things tumbled down.
I'm not saying that Nexon is innocent of upkeeping the game/engine. But I am saying that it's far from being the "no reason Nexon can't" that people claim it is.
Just because you have a big company doesn't mean that big problems aren't big anymore. Nexon has dug themselves into a hole which is hard to escape from.
Sometimes after poor upkeep of something, it's easier to just tear the whole thing down and start over again.
I'm sure Nexon sees little reason to do a complete rewrite of the game's engine when Korea seems to be doing fine.
Nexon is far from being the best company, but they still get more flak than they deserve.
so basically you guys just suck it up ? yea i dont think ill be coming back.
Sadly this is the only option.
Either you spend money on a game with subpar support or you don't spend money on it, eating their resources without putting anything back in.
Regardless of which option you choose, you've lost and Nexon is still stuck in a bad spot.
Quitting the game and leaving until things improve just might be the best option if you can't stick through bad times.
When exiting the steam version of the game, the game closes but doesn't actually end the processes.
This wastes about 1.3 GB of RAM for myself from the base game alone, the anti-hack system and a few other steam related things also still run.
Steam considers the game to still be running as does discord. Manually closing the main process closes all other related processes.
Nobody can help you here and venting about Nexon is more likely to do harm than good when it's done like this.
Ask to elevate the issue to a higher up.
These people are here to help you, try to remember there's a human behind that chat log who has limited access to what they can and can't do.
Open another ticket up and be on your best behavior. Don't lose your cool because you aren't satisfied with the ways things are going.
It's frustrating sure, but sucking it up and dealing with an annoying process is better than losing your entire account.
Edit: It should also be noted that the Migration was 2 years ago, not 4 and that if you were part of EMS and didn't opt-into the merge, your account was deleted.
So let me get this straight, you want them to ban more than an average of 200+ people a day?
Nexon is doing far from nothing. Stop pretending they're just sitting on their asses all day without doing anything.
Trust me a million to billion dollar company telling you they can't resolve a hacker issue is not realistic
I didn't realize you ran a multi-billion dollar company, Riza. But it's like you said.
Also, hackers will always hack no matter what Nexon knows this.
You do what you can, you damage control. Nexon America can only do so much since they don't develop themselves.
Banning 200+ accounts on a daily basis is pretty good for a division that is bleeding money.
Especially since it seems Nexon feeds off those mesos sellers and hackers since they hardly show they care much anymore as they did in the beginning of the game.
There was a huge spree of hackers "in the beginning of the game" as well. It was far worse than what we have now.
Who else remembers hackers being able to spawn server sided platforms for mobs to walk on?
Or fly up into the sky where you couldn't even report them properly?
Nexon stomped them out after awhile, but it did take awhile. We're just going through it again and people are reacting to it in the same way.