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April 2, 1997
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  • Heroic Server storage is still an issue.

    Inventory/Storage slots have 0 impact on item pricing in Regular Servers. Price is more dictated by how obtainable the item is how relevant it is. Being storage limited just annoys players as they cannot keep untradeable non cash cosmetics from previous events. Our storage/inventory being limited so was to drive the sales of expansion coupons in the cash shop. Also the inventory slots is for people who are into collection memorabilia from updates (including some of the untradeable stuff it comes with.)

    The same issue is seen with Reboot servers where they cannot hold a bunch of spares without it cluttering their inventory since they cannot be stored. Only pieces that can be stored nicely are Kalos/Kaling, CRA/Empress pieces and the crafting materials. Items that come in expiring equipment boxes or only drop as equips are the main items clogging since they are needed to 22 star or go further. To an extent, Gollux Shop being restocks forces players to buy equipment at once a week instead of being able to stockpile coins and buying one when something breaks. The weekly purchase limit should be removed in both servers.
  • make combo key toggleable?

    We also have keyboard presets to triple the amount of keyboard real estate so the keys other than numbers can have multiple uses, but that sounds good too.
  • Phantom Full Rework Concept

    I would much rather have Phantom not receive a full rework just to be a support class. The skill swipe concept is terrific as it allows you experience the playstyle of some classes without actually creating one (this was how I tried out some Dark Knight skills back in Renegades/Justice days.) Only main issues I see is having limited slots and having to find an unpopular explorer for a specific skill. Also early game Phantom suffers a bit in terms of mobbing due them not having good veritcal hitboxes. Here are a few changes without changing the entire class's identity.

    Calling Card: Increase vertical hitbox above and below and reduce the delay in the skill
    Skill Swipe/Impeccable Memory: Remove skill slot limit so we cannot "forget" skills. Allow Phantom to steal skills from player's own Legion so players don't need to hunt other players. Job instructors could work.
    Rapier Wit: Reduce the skill's delay and change the skill so isn't broken into 2 parts.
    Vol D'Ame: Change from an enemy buff remover to a bind that also removes buffs and grants an iframe (doesn't need to hit mob for iframe.)
    Mille Augilles: The 6th job ability to use it midair and change its forms should be granted at 4th job.

    Card Trick (New Skill:) Upon reaching 5th Job and unlocking Luck of the Draw, allows Phantom to "cheat" and pick a card to always pop up instead of leaving it all to luck for Judgement Draw and finishing the skill Luck of the Draw. If the player rigs Luck of the Draw, they cannot draw the Wild Card.
    Ace in the Hole: Change the targeting for the instant attack or add a command to allow the card to explode at Phantom's location instead of going to a nearby enemy in a bad location.

    This is what I got so far. Just changing some skills to remove some random elements, having to find specific players and just making early leveling a bit more bearable as well as giving updated utility to an old skill
  • Smarter System Additions

    More things to add:

    Monster Collection Exploration Faster Dispatch and Claim

    Currently you have to claim the rewards of Monster Collection one by one and then dispatch them one by one. There should be a feature to allow the user to quickly get all the rewards and dispatch the same monsters to begin exploration again. This feature takes inspiration from Genshin Impact's Adventurer's Guild Expedition that allows you to get all the rewards at once and send your characters back at. Maple has a similar feature in Auction House where you get to CLAIM ALL to retreive all unsold items or receive the mesos made from sales as well as the relist all to sell all the items again. The claim all feature will claim all the rewards in sequence and stop once everything is collected or the player has a full inventory similar to retreive all in auction house (in the case the player has 4 inventory slots and he is retreiving 10 items, everything up to the 4th item will be collected instead of asking to make 10 slots available.)

    Price Adjustment

    In the auction house, the current way to reprice an item is to end the listing, collect it in your inventory, list it from your inventory and then assign the new price. That is a lot of steps that can be simplified by simply ending a listing and having an option to change the price. Also, the current method of relisting to reprice requires the player to have space to take the item down before they decide on repricing it which is a hassle when all they want to do is drop the price of an item that isn't selling. Just allow us to reprice after delisting an item.

    Fusion and Extraction Visibility

    When the player puts an item in for extraction or fusion, the inventory still has the item in the inventory and would only disappear when the extraction/fusion is completed. This is confusing as the player can get confused which item is being extracted/fused if they are working with a large number of items. The game should either highlight the items that are being extracted or fused so the player knows which items have been selected so far. If the extraction/fusion is successful, the highlighted items would disappear as usual and canceled fusions/extractions would return the inventory back to its normal state.

    It's kind of surprising Familiar extraction and fusing have an indicator that shows which item is clicked on already and it hasn't been implemented into crafting yet. Non-KMS content with a more advanced feature than something from KMS is kind of shocking.
  • MAPLE Daily Gift QoL

    The game's daily 300 mob kill thing is slightly flawed. The current way we have it that we kill 300 mobs and click CLAIM GIFT (if can be claimed on any character on the same world.) The problem is that you have to claim the reward at the same time as completing the day's daily. If you got a full inventory, you would not be unable to complete the day until you successfully receive the item. Another issue is you cannot save items for upcoming events. If there is an upcoming DMT and you want to use your cubes, you have to pray DMT arrives before the item expires.

    Maple's Daily Gift System should allow the player to be able to complete the day without being forced to accept the item that comes with that day's completion. This will allow the player the flexibility to finish their dailies and pick when they want to receive their rewards. This comes in handy when a player finished their mob quota but isn't able to accept the reward or is timing trying to get their rewards at a certain time. This is handy for players finishing dailies at the last moment as they don't have to figure out what to toss out or spend extra time seeing who can accept the Inventory Expansion Coupon.

    Another feature that could be added is automatic check in once you hit 300 mobs. Once you hit the required 300 mobs, the game would check the player's completion so they don't need to open the Maple Gift Menu to check in. They only would need to open it to count their days or to claim the rewards when they are ready. This feature would make it so players don't have to worry about worrying about clicking in as the system would do it for them once they hit 300 mobs. This is similar to attendance where the teacher spots you and marks you present instead of calling out your name and waiting for a response.
