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  • Attendance ended early?

    I have a suggestion.

    The Thursday box next week (since tomorrow's is far too close to do this all in an hour) could include all of the unclaimed rewards the players had, plus the reward for the one day after the reward they were at when the reset happened. This way, everyone gets all of their items in a neat package.
  • Add a "Not for Sale" option for Free Market Shops


    In a shop + In a map designed for buying/selling + in Free Market = should have option not to sell?

    How about this (and here's a real novel idea): DON'T PUT IT IN THE SHOP?

    If you don't want to sell something... you probably shouldn't sell it.
  • This better not represent GMS' community..

    The community got bad after Big Bang when a lot of loyal social players left and the new generation of little kiddies came into our lives.
    It's almost like you want to ask: "Why even play the game if you want to solo/be left alone?" It's an MMORPG not a Single Player game.

    If you they want to play this as a Single Player game, then go make an "illegal" version or something, at least that way you'd be the only one on it and experience no lag period.

    It can't be helped, most kids on MapleStory don't know what the meaning of MMO's are because it's either their first MMO, or they're just anti-social like me IRL, except I'd actually respond try to be talkative/respectful if someone asks me a question or needs help, unless they're rude to me.

    So basically, yes over half (maybe more) of the GMS Community is disrespectful, but there are still a handful of really nice people.
    A friend an I met someone the other day in Gold Beach who was Lv.200+ and randomly invited us to a party and gave us HS while asking for fame in return, I told them to not bother faming me back since it wasn't that important, but yeah they were nice enough to stick around til we left for Riena Strait.

    This was in Reboot btw, the one World you'd probably think has the most rude people since everyone would be fighting over EXP since it's technically 2X all the time, and Mesos Farming.
    Yep. This is basically what us good players on GMS are dealing with. And it's not bad enough that it's little kiddies, it's rich, entitled, selfish kiddies. But really, there are some really nice players still on GMS. You just won't find them in Henesys, Ardentmill, FM, or really any place large amounts of people AFK.
  • [Unscheduled Maintenance] Nov. 30, 2016

    Welcome to the forums, EMS. Here we have a ton of people who just constantly whine and complain about absolutely anything just to draw attention to themselves. Please excuse the incredibly bad behavior of most of these forumers and know that not everyone here at GMS is like them. Thanks for your understanding, and enjoy your experience here at GMS.

    I'll be glad to wait indefinitely to make sure everything is fixed. Because I'm not an impatient jerk.
  • Unscheduled Minor Patch - October 20, 2016

    People were gonna get bored of this within a week and everything would be back together.
    Honestly I feel like most people on this game are in their 20s, we're not kids anymore guys.
    Now we're gonna have to go back and bypass the crappy censor system because there's some things we can't say even if they are 2 different word or it's within another word (documentary).
    Sorry Maryse, but for once, I'm going to have to disagree with you.

    You've fallen for the typical view that "being an adult" = "saying and doing whatever I want, whenever I want", and that's simply not true. Most professional adults will not tolerate bad language (aka basically every major business in every country), so why should a game tolerate it? Although it's true that filtering words containing swears might cause some confusion, you cannot rationally argue that censoring these words does any harm to anyone. In fact, it does good by making sure the chat stays clean for everyone.