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  • [Functionality] MMF Today's Remaining Entries x2

    Bug type: Functionality

    Brief bug summary: Joining an MMF event stage will sometimes deduct two remaining entries

    More details: When you enter a Maple Musical Festival stage, the "Today's Remaining Entries" count is deducted by two instead of one most of the times played.

    Steps to reproduce: Enter any MMF stage during the event time. At 0:00 on the waiting area, your screen will go dark, and then for a second show your character joining the waiting area again, and then you will enter the stage. This causes the game to think you joined twice. Afterwards, your "Today's Remaining Entries" will have been deducted by two instead of one.

    Character name: AK712

    Character level: 212

    Character job: Hero

    World name: Khaini

    Date and time of the incident: 22:50 Event Time (DJ Pink Bean) 10/29, 10/30, 10/31, 11/1, 11/2; 00:05 Event Time (DJ Pink Bean 2x EXP) 10/29, 10/30, 10/31, 11/1, 11/2
  • List of Current GMS Familiars?

    Does anyone have/know how to get a list of the current familiars available in GMS?

    Looking around, there are three main lists from a while back:


    All three give different amounts and names of familiars; none of them appear to be up-to-date, and all have familiars that I'm pretty sure don't exist in GMS anymore.

    Anyone have any clue?

  • World transfer disaster. Huge screw up by Nexon.

    This entire thread is BS.

    This was not Nexon's fault. The fault lies squarely on TerrorStreak and his absurd "Everyone Leap Into Bera" threads and pushes, and everyone who hopped on the bandwagon for the sake of fame and fortune. Him and his pals basically broke what should have been a perfectly healthy event by causing false mass hysteria. We've already heard numerous reports of people from Bera coming into other worlds and trolling/attacking people for not moving. And then we get his forum pals going around saying how "great Bera is" and how "every other server is dead" and crap like that, even just copying and pasting replies into multiple threads, in order to cause more panic of "If I don't move into Bera everything will be bad".

    Then we get all the people who claim "Oh, everything is dead, because I don't see anyone in FM. Seriously? Since when is FM a reliable way of measuring population? As I said before, FM is just the rich people who sit around all day trying to make more money. You won't find them doing PQs, bossing, etc. with anyone but their alts/bots. I'd actually consider the FM as a negative population measure, because they just draw people away from actually playing the game.

    In short, blaming this on Nexon is like someone chopping their hands off on a table saw and blaming the manufacturers of the saw. You can't make a game stupid-proof.
  • Please either confirm/deny merges ASAP

    Khongi wrote: »
    Catooolooo wrote: »
    I feel like people measuring world activeness by FM is too inaccurate now that AH is in the game

    I thought that could be the case too but I also thought "AH has been around long enough for the FM to have settled into it's routine" and for my world, Broa, it had, we had dedicated guilds flooding FM and a solid AH. It was ok before the whole instability mess we had before the transfers but once transfer hit having a sudden drop from 1-7 to not even a full fm 2 is some indicator of the hit we took.

    Both AH and FM is a completely unreliable way to judge world activeness.

    Let's face it: the people who use FM and AH heavily are the people who don't care about playing. They just go wherever the money is. Of course all of them are going to move into the largest servers, because that's where all of the customers are. Let's not even mention that the hackers/botters are doing the same thing, since all they care about is either money or popularity, and they can't get either on smaller servers.

    There isn't currently a good way of tracking the truly "most active" server, unless someone finds a way to track the number of players who aren't spending the majority of time sitting in a single map/a couple maps, which no one would go to the trouble of. It could be that Bera has 5K players who are sitting in Henesys or FM channels and 500 players who are training, PQing, questing, etc, and MYBCKN has 100 people sitting in Henesys or FM channels and 700 players who are training, etc. We really won't ever know.

    For me, though... I'd take a server with low amounts of hackers, botters, money-chasers, and jerks ANY day. Khroa will be my home forever.
  • Duplicated Item Removal

    "Nexon, you never do anything about hacking. We hate you."

    "Well, now you did, but we still hate you."

    That's basically the gist of this thread. You demand that Nexon does something about hacking, and they do, but instead of being glad, you through a tantrum on HOW they did it.

    I laughed so hard on the "Nexon is the opposite of truth and justice" post. You don't even know what truth and justice is.