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Last Active
December 1, 1900
  • Minel - Heartwarming Dream in Heroic Worlds

    Do us a favor. Log into Kronos and start today's Heartwarming event daily (friday: You head over to Minel Ore Mine World)

    On the reg worlds, scandi/Elysium this took 3-5mins for the NPC popup to happen. It's been 20mins on Kronos and nothing and we need to get this popup twice?? Someone claims it's been 40mins for them and no popup even though they are hovering over Minel.

    Something needs to be hotfixed here for Heroic worlds. Truly insanity waiting for this.

    edit: People are saying 1hr+ wait and nothing. There needs to be an interactable NPC for this to be more manageable. This current system doesn't work for a crowded world.
  • Furniture storage bag (like recipe/soul/chair bag)

    Hey hey,

    Could we please get a slot bag dedicated to furniture please.

    There are soul bags, coin bags, recipe bags, chair bags, herb and mining bags in the game which help free up bag space. I'm starting to notice an issue with participating in your home, you gain furniture faster than coins to unlock furniture slots. Sure you can delete furniture for coins but thanks to RNG there are some furniture items that take months of daily home shopping to get or, in my case, a year of farming a boss to finally get that boss furniture drop, or it's a seasonal item, so I'm not very keen on deleting those items.

    A helpful item would be a furniture bag where I could store the wanted furniture pieces until I buy/unlock more slots.
  • How to Halloween Candy Party & Hidden Mission

    For this year's halloween quest you need to make 3 candies to get the Halloween kitty ear hat, then there is a hidden "secret" mission to get a Halloween mount.

    To make the candy you need to get the ingredients, but you are only told one of the three ingredients, you're meant to talk to your friends to find out what the other two are. Well...to save those of you who are like me, who don't have people you can just ask, I've listed the ingredients needed to make the candies. The first three I can confirm work because I was asked those, the rest are what I've found online or over chat so please forgive me if any of them are wrong, if so please mention it for those working on this quest.

    [Mint Chocolate Candy] *can confirm
    1. Magic Powder (Green) - this is obtained via herbalism but if you don't have herbing, I'm sure there will be some on AH.
    2. Peppermint Flower - again obtained via herbalism.
    3. Chocolate - You buy this from a merchant, I got mine at Orbis merchant.

    [Skull Candy] *can confirm
    1. Skull Shoulder Pad - dropped from Dark Cornian in Leafre
    2. Kentaurus' Skull - dropped from Black Kentaurus in Leafre
    3. Drake Skull - dropped from Drake in Sleepywood

    [Healthy Candy] *can confirm
    1. 100-year-old Bellflower - dropped from Sr. Bellflower Root in Herb Town (it's the one with the red berry on the root, lower drop than the normal root dropped)
    2. Tonic - purchased from merchant, I got mine from the merchant at Herb Town
    3. Carrot - dropped from Brown Hare in Ariant

    [Fruit Mix Candy]
    1. Orange - merchant
    2. Lemon - merchant
    3 Green Apple - dropped from stump in Perion

    [Hot Candy]
    1. Peach - Hit the large peach on peach trees in Mu Lung
    2. Burning Stone - dropped from Flaming Mixed Golem in Henesys
    3. Luster Pixie's Sunpiece - dropped from Luster Pixie in Orbis

    [Strawberry Candy]
    1. Nependeath's Honey - dropped from Nependeath in Orbis
    2. Red Potion - merchant
    3. Reindeer Milk - merchant

    [Ghost Candy]
    1. Tablecloth - dropped from Jr. Wrath in Kerning City subway
    2. Holy Water- merchant
    3. Charm of the Undead- dropped from Zombie Mushroom in Sleepywood

    [Nutty Candy]
    1. Melting Cheese - merchant
    2. Acorn - hit Acorn trees in Edelstine
    3. Hard Walnut - dropped from Black Ratz in Ludibrium

    [Jelly Bean]
    1. Squishy Liquid - dropped from slime in Ellinia
    2. Gelatin - dropped from Cube Slime in Magatia
    3. Nependeath Seed - dropped from Nependeath in Orbis

    Ok... so once you make 3 candies you get your kitty ear hat.

    Now for the hidden mission (there is no quest prompt for this part) put that halloween kitty ear hat on and head over to Kerning City, head to Naora Hospital and while wearing the hat speak to Jane Doe. They will be all 'halloween already?', something like that and at the end of the interaction will give you a choice of the pumpkin mount or ghost mount.

  • Feedback: Querencia coin cap

    There is no reason to have a cap on Querencia coins. The coins are used for aesthetic home items only, having the coins gives no in game advantage over someone who doesn't have them.

    Currently there is a cap of 10 Querencia coins per month yet there are blueprint boxes for sale for 16 Querencia coins. To buy those blueprints it will take 2 months because of the cap. Then you'll be stuck/capped again if you also wish to purchase a 8 querencia coin blueprint box in that same month because it's taken the first month to collect the 10 querencia coins, then the second month to get 6 coins, leaving you with only 4 coins, 4 short meaning you need to wait until next month to buy that blueprint. At this rate it's going to take over a year to learn them all at this rate. The home is fun but it's not so fun it'll keep me interested in this aspect of the game if I'm restricted like this because of an unneeded cap.

    My suggestion is either to remove the cap or to raise it to 16 coins per month. That way players can either get the single 16 coin blueprint box or two 8 coin blueprint boxes each month and it won't feel so grindy.
  • Regarding MapleStory's 20th Anniversary Next Year

    I would love to see some retro features coming back, like the kaleido spinners in cities and a cake vs pie event. Just some little things outside an event map/hall to inject some fun play across the world.