Im looking at the steam charts now, and the game has a 24 hour peak of 1427 players. This is just players who only use steam. It tells us there is at least that many legit non botter players. If we include people who don't use the steam launcher, would the game population be x10 or 20x more? I know we had an event that we can use to gauge the population, but I don't know how to mathematically make an accurate guess.
I am from kradia. I'm stuck on this server with few players to play with, its kind of depressing. when will there be another world tranfer/leap anyone knows?
You're not alone brother, the majority (probably 99% of maplers, you can ask players in Scania, Bera, etc, everyone will tell you that they wants to merge, except a very very very few people.....) wants to merge all the worlds into Bera, so we'd end up with 2 worlds only, and they're Bera and Reboot, 2 worlds in GMS shouldn't be enough, to be honest, but that's way better than the current situation.
Also be careful when using caps, talking about the biggest problem in GMS (the insane amount of botters/hackers) or else you might get a warning/ban (just like my friend did) or maybe your thread will simply move to "Rants and Raves", why? because you used caps, so be careful... and I know it sounds a little bit like a dictatorship but unfortunately, we have no choice, this is the situation we are in.
Let's hope for the best and LET the merge begin.
Careful when using caps, talking about hackers or other big problems that we have in the game or else you might get banned/warning.
Just like my friend did -_-
I recently came back to game, almost a week now, and I saw that Broa is just dead. There are very little players and it's just no fun at all. I saw that I missed the server transfer event and all my characters are stuck on a useless server. Is there anything I can do to transfer my characters? If anything could be done, i.e, a transfer or a repeat in event it would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Tell that to Nexon..... we've been screaming this for years now... I'm in Bera (the most "populated" world) and it's dead here....
I think it's a far better idea to allow another World Transfer event, so people who wants to leave their current world and go to another, more populated one, can do so freely and get what they want, while those of us who want to stay in our server (even if it's "dead" for others) can do so as well. That seems to be a lot more democratic and respectful of everyone's wishes than just leaving everything be or making a huge merge (that, from what I imagine, must be a lot more irreversible too) of all non-Reboot worlds into one or whatever other merging scheme people suggest. :P
I disagree with a time limited event, just in case some people miss it, (if they do it during the summer this may arguably not be a problem) and the game is declining/ dead. Maybe they can do something where each account is given one free transfer, or you can buy a transfer from the NX shop at any time.
You can also argue the game is dying, so if you couple that with any more people leaving dead worlds, they will potentially, slowly decrease, that there will be no one, not even these close knitted communities that have been mentioned
I think leaving people behind in dead servers is stupid and its not worth it. We should only have 2 serves reboot and the most populated which is bera, combine all the servers but reboot together. after doing so give the mods a real job which is in game moderating. with this we can slowly but surely get rid of all the hackers and people who are destroying the game. nexon used to manually ban hackers from what i been hearing since my last post. we can bring it back but even better record them hacking then get rid of them. this will show players nexon is actually doing thier job. hire or get volunteers to do it that are fair and just and dont ban or mute people on impulse we need mods that can fairly and justly do this. if we can get this in game and merge all servers we can get the community back both with actual players and with trust. this will show the players and community nexon actually cares and is doing their job. it doesnt take alot to do this and im sure its possible. we done gm events where gm's were present and in the community this is also very important having people in the community and interacting with everyone and keeping them inform of things and just hanging out. this is possible and can be done. remember i say this in all caps so no one gets feelings hurt "THIS ISNT NEXON HATE ITS CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM" as long as we can come up with ideas and put them into action maplestory can be great again as we all know we cant move on to ms2 without fixing the game and trust in ms1.
This is exactly what we've been trying to say.... 2 worlds! Bera and Reboot, that's it, that's how should it be.
But again, we still have those very very very few people who disagree with us because they want an empty server where they can train alone while no one bother them, no one spam smegas them, no nothing..... it really makes no sense... just think about it, it's like someone in real life want to live life without people... does it make sense? I don't think so.... this is absolutely crazy -_-
But then again, this is what they want, you can't tell them no, right? but guess what? in this case we definitely can say no! because the majority is far more important than just a very very few people, and we all know, this is just way too easy to understand this, even without polls, that the MAJORITY wants merge and NOW!
riza forum mods don't moderate the game, GMs do and forum mods aren't GMs. You should know this, you applied to be a forum mod.
i already know i am proposing that we can use the same system to get volunteer gm's either from mods or other players in game similar to the vfm applications to help the gms as yes i know they are a different group. but its possible and doable. as I posted in the video they are around and they could do something to help.
Lol, believe me, don't waste your time talking with DarkPassenger, for some reason, he won't agree with us no matter what, it's really pointless, it's really seems as if he's Nexon's lawyer, lol. trying to protect them and do exactly as they want (cuz Nexon DOES not want to merge worlds at all).
Also check this out, we have another maintance/server check right now! yeah great, welcome to AfkStory. -_-
Just as you can call the idea of people wanting "an empty server where they can be alone for the rest of their lives" crazy, I can call the idea of "people wanting an overly congested, instable blob of a server where people can barely progress without having some sort of conflict with another person trying to train" crazy. And I can just as easily say that the majority of people support my decision and that your idea should be completely ignored because it sounds stupid in my head. Do you see what I'm getting at here?
Making almost completely baseless claims and discrediting the opposition's viewpoint because they don't want what you want isn't going to help anyone or convince people with opposing viewpoints to join your side (which is one of the purposes of a thread like this, to convince people why you think merging is good). There have been people in this thread who have slightly changed my mind about merging worlds; the difference between them and several others in the thread with similar comments to yours is that they used actual reasoning behind their responses. And where in the world are you getting the idea that Nexon doesn't want to merge servers? The only comment in this thread from them is that they've been considering it.
I'm sorry but I disagree with you, because he actually has a point..... it really feels as if you're trying to ignore his point or something....
But nothing will help you! we'll get what we (overwhelming majority) wants, and that's a merge! merge all worlds (without Reboot) to Bera!
This is a MMO. Aka Massively Multiplayer Online game. There's no "massive" without the population. Right now there are servers is DIRE need of a merge and have been in need of a merge since last year. Why Nexon is taking so long to act on this is beyond me but all they're doing is getting more people to quit the longer they leave it.
There should have NEVER been a server transfer to begin with. They didn't even impose limits on servers before hand. Like comon really Nexon? If we had a merge we wouldn't be in this mess now. Such a dissapointment.
They screwed many servers for players. You'd think they'd act on this issue quickly. Not leave it in "discussion" for months on end. What's there to discuss? I know it's not something that can be done over night but you've done it before and we need it ASAP. It should have happened 1 month after those disaster transfers. They've left it far too long now.
This is a MMO. Aka Massively Multiplayer Online game. There's no "massive" without the population. Right now there are servers is DIRE need of a merge and have been in need of a merge since last year. Why Nexon is taking so long to act on this is beyond me but all they're doing is getting more people to quit the longer they leave it.
There should have NEVER been a server transfer to begin with. They didn't even impose limits on servers before hand. Like comon really Nexon? If we had a merge we wouldn't be in this mess now. Such a dissapointment.
They screwed many servers for players. You'd think they'd act on this issue quickly. Not leave it in "discussion" for months on end. What's there to discuss? I know it's not something that can be done over night but you've done it before and we need it ASAP. It should have happened 1 month after those disaster transfers. They've left it far too long now.
But why?
Why don't we have more people like you?
By the way, just a little tip but be careful when you talk about these kinds of stuff.
I don't know if you can see that but I have a warning "MEDIUM" on my account, for something really really silly, I can't even remember what was it exactly but what I do remember is that I disagreed with someone in here from Nexon team (not a GM exactly, dunno how it's called) and she/he just got mad at me and decided to give me a warning, simply because I disagreed with her and told her that there are more hackers than legit players, so... be careful brothers, there's not really free speech in here... so watch out! (I hope they won't ban me for this, lol, if so, goodbye my brother (kinda feels as if I'm in North Korea, to be honest).
I recently came back to game, almost a week now, and I saw that Broa is just dead. There are very little players and it's just no fun at all. I saw that I missed the server transfer event and all my characters are stuck on a useless server. Is there anything I can do to transfer my characters? If anything could be done, i.e, a transfer or a repeat in event it would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Tell that to Nexon..... we've been screaming this for years now... I'm in Bera (the most "populated" world) and it's dead here....
I think it's a far better idea to allow another World Transfer event, so people who wants to leave their current world and go to another, more populated one, can do so freely and get what they want, while those of us who want to stay in our server (even if it's "dead" for others) can do so as well. That seems to be a lot more democratic and respectful of everyone's wishes than just leaving everything be or making a huge merge (that, from what I imagine, must be a lot more irreversible too) of all non-Reboot worlds into one or whatever other merging scheme people suggest. :P
I disagree with a time limited event, just in case some people miss it, (if they do it during the summer this may arguably not be a problem) and the game is declining/ dead. Maybe they can do something where each account is given one free transfer, or you can buy a transfer from the NX shop at any time.
You can also argue the game is dying, so if you couple that with any more people leaving dead worlds, they will potentially, slowly decrease, that there will be no one, not even these close knitted communities that have been mentioned
I think leaving people behind in dead servers is stupid and its not worth it. We should only have 2 serves reboot and the most populated which is bera, combine all the servers but reboot together. after doing so give the mods a real job which is in game moderating. with this we can slowly but surely get rid of all the hackers and people who are destroying the game. nexon used to manually ban hackers from what i been hearing since my last post. we can bring it back but even better record them hacking then get rid of them. this will show players nexon is actually doing thier job. hire or get volunteers to do it that are fair and just and dont ban or mute people on impulse we need mods that can fairly and justly do this. if we can get this in game and merge all servers we can get the community back both with actual players and with trust. this will show the players and community nexon actually cares and is doing their job. it doesnt take alot to do this and im sure its possible. we done gm events where gm's were present and in the community this is also very important having people in the community and interacting with everyone and keeping them inform of things and just hanging out. this is possible and can be done. remember i say this in all caps so no one gets feelings hurt "THIS ISNT NEXON HATE ITS CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM" as long as we can come up with ideas and put them into action maplestory can be great again as we all know we cant move on to ms2 without fixing the game and trust in ms1.
This is exactly what we've been trying to say.... 2 worlds! Bera and Reboot, that's it, that's how should it be.
But again, we still have those very very very few people who disagree with us because they want an empty server where they can train alone while no one bother them, no one spam smegas them, no nothing..... it really makes no sense... just think about it, it's like someone in real life want to live life without people... does it make sense? I don't think so.... this is absolutely crazy -_-
But then again, this is what they want, you can't tell them no, right? but guess what? in this case we definitely can say no! because the majority is far more important than just a very very few people, and we all know, this is just way too easy to understand this, even without polls, that the MAJORITY wants merge and NOW!
riza forum mods don't moderate the game, GMs do and forum mods aren't GMs. You should know this, you applied to be a forum mod.
i already know i am proposing that we can use the same system to get volunteer gm's either from mods or other players in game similar to the vfm applications to help the gms as yes i know they are a different group. but its possible and doable. as I posted in the video they are around and they could do something to help.
Lol, believe me, don't waste your time talking with DarkPassenger, for some reason, he won't agree with us no matter what, it's really pointless, it's really seems as if he's Nexon's lawyer, lol. trying to protect them and do exactly as they want (cuz Nexon DOES not want to merge worlds at all).
Also check this out, we have another maintance/server check right now! yeah great, welcome to AfkStory. -_-
Just as you can call the idea of people wanting "an empty server where they can be alone for the rest of their lives" crazy, I can call the idea of "people wanting an overly congested, instable blob of a server where people can barely progress without having some sort of conflict with another person trying to train" crazy. And I can just as easily say that the majority of people support my decision and that your idea should be completely ignored because it sounds stupid in my head. Do you see what I'm getting at here?
Making almost completely baseless claims and discrediting the opposition's viewpoint because they don't want what you want isn't going to help anyone or convince people with opposing viewpoints to join your side (which is one of the purposes of a thread like this, to convince people why you think merging is good). There have been people in this thread who have slightly changed my mind about merging worlds; the difference between them and several others in the thread with similar comments to yours is that they used actual reasoning behind their responses. And where in the world are you getting the idea that Nexon doesn't want to merge servers? The only comment in this thread from them is that they've been considering it.
I'm sorry but I disagree with you, because he actually has a point..... it really feels as if you're trying to ignore his point or something....
But nothing will help you! we'll get what we (overwhelming majority) wants, and that's a merge! merge all worlds (without Reboot) to Bera!
I'd like to know what point they brought up in that comment. Sorry, but "this is how it should be," "my opposition's idea is just crazy," and "the majority (numbers where?) wants to merge NOW!" are not points. They're statements. They don't prove anything; they don't help people understand anything; they're not based off of some fundamental or widespread understanding; they're not even personal anecdotes. I can't ignore what isn't there to begin with. But I'm going to just assume that I'm not going to get any info as to how people who are parroting the "merge worlds now" idea are basing their claims. We're going to have to agree to disagree, since I'm not seeing any arguments specifically about the situation and/or its solutions being brought up.
No point in debating with them, all they do is repeat "merge all worlds into Bera" and hope it rallies followers, without offering sound reasoning behind it. Just like the protests of today.
No point in debating with them, all they do is repeat "merge all worlds into Bera" and hope it rallies followers, without offering sound reasoning behind it. Just like the protests of today.
Well, I mean this thread is three threads combined into one, and there is two additional threads created that suggest world merged. I think a following has been rallied. Of course having a majority behind you doesn't prove infallibility, but does indicate that a lot of people are concerned.
No point in debating with them, all they do is repeat "merge all worlds into Bera" and hope it rallies followers, without offering sound reasoning behind it. Just like the protests of today.
You can be united all you want, but when there's no sound reasoning behind the action, there's nothing to really listen to.
bro what do you mean by no point of debating why is this thread open then? merging all the worlds into bera is dumb cause there too many hackers. just merge all the worlds together and rename the server then. that way no one will get sour about it. also the sound reason to merging all the worlds is to protect the interest of nexon all together and players. if 100 players our of 1 million want to stay on their own the majority wins. we the majority want a world merge if 100 people quit its all good cause its only 100 vs 1 million. this is actually a sound reason that is un debatable cause it makes sense. minority vs majority. majority will always win. take my notes and comments from before. merge all the worlds but reboot into one and rename it. get in game security to manually record and ban all hackers and anyone breaking tos agreements. if nexon america cant do it bring in the korean death team at least they got it together. note this isn't nexon hate speech this is recommendations and constructive criticism. remember the 100 people i can Empathize with you guys cause a few of my maple people don't want their servers to be left be but the majority has spoken we want a merge. ALSO I WANT TO SEE TIFA SENSEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No point in debating with them, all they do is repeat "merge all worlds into Bera" and hope it rallies followers, without offering sound reasoning behind it. Just like the protests of today.
You can be united all you want, but when there's no sound reasoning behind the action, there's nothing to really listen to.
bro what do you mean by no point of debating why is this thread open then? merging all the worlds into bera is dumb cause there too many hackers. just merge all the worlds together and rename the server then. that way no one will get sour about it. also the sound reason to merging all the worlds is to protect the interest of nexon all together and players. if 100 players our of 1 million want to stay on their own the majority wins. we the majority want a world merge if 100 people quit its all good cause its only 100 vs 1 million. this is actually a sound reason that is un debatable cause it makes sense. minority vs majority. majority will always win. take my notes and comments from before. merge all the worlds but reboot into one and rename it. get in game security to manually record and ban all hackers and anyone breaking tos agreements. if nexon america cant do it bring in the korean death team at least they got it together. note this isn't nexon hate speech this is recommendations and constructive criticism. remember the 100 people i can Empathize with you guys cause a few of my maple people don't want their servers to be left be but the majority has spoken we want a merge. ALSO I WANT TO SEE TIFA SENSEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No point in debating with people who continually pull the "majority" card and grab other baseless claims out of thin air. It isn't sound reasoning if you have no way to prove that this is what the majority wants besides using a couple of forum threads. Add in the fact that people who use this excuse usually don't have solid reasons why there should be a merge besides "this world is dead" and don't state ways to fix the situation, and there's nothing substantial to discuss. Although you're on the "majority" train, you seem to have provided a point to discuss, so I'll address that.
Banning bots manually is like stepping on bugs one at a time when you have an infestation. The people that program them are more resilient than you give them credit for. Nexon would have to actually have some way of banning them correctly and make it hard for them to come back; from what I've seen, it's as easy as ever to create an account and their past attempts at using software to ban bots have been incredibly shaky (aka I have no confidence in them to get either of these done right).
...but the majority has spoken we want a merge. ALSO I WANT TO SEE TIFA SENSEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the majority that are on the forums, keep in mind that not all players use the forums. Your numbers are as fudged as the us political vote results. Context here - the majority of the forum users are rallying on it.
As for the whole thing, why not just go with what another suggested and alliance more up and see how that goes? Better yet, why don't we push for more means of dealing with the botters [I know some people have left the game as they got sick of the botters and nothing seemed to change when they reported often] before a merge or alliance change?
and I keep seeing people going on about MMORPG and how it can't be if there's not a population - the numbers will not change for the game itself - it's still the same number of people just on different worlds/alliances/etc. So by that definition, it's still a MMORPG. I'm game for trying to up the number of players seeing one another, but I also want the botters dealt with, better quests [to lead to party play again] and maybe make some bosses require an actual party of 3+ players to go in to fight it.
Riza, first you have to know what the interests of Nexon are, youre not an employee or executive of Nexon to even being to understand what their big picture is. There's already a large population in Bera, so who is the majority youre referring to? The large majority of those that want to be in Bera but aren't? what do Berans have to say about the merge? They probably don't care since theyre already in Bera. Riza, you make the least sense from the bunch.
No point in debating with people who continually pull the "majority" card and grab other baseless claims out of thin air. It isn't sound reasoning if you have no way to prove that this is what the majority wants besides using a couple of forum threads. Add in the fact that people who use this excuse usually don't have solid reasons why there should be a merge besides "this world is dead" and don't state ways to fix the situation, and there's nothing substantial to discuss. Although you're on the "majority" train, you seem to have provided a point to discuss, so I'll address that.
Banning bots manually is like stepping on bugs one at a time when you have an infestation. The people that program them are more resilient than you give them credit for. Nexon would have to actually have some way of banning them correctly and make it hard for them to come back; from what I've seen, it's as easy as ever to create an account and their past attempts at using software to ban bots have been incredibly shaky (aka I have no confidence in them to get either of these done right).
Having a dead world and what that entails is the only reason to merge worlds, if the worlds were not dead, then well these threads exist. I can't think of any other reason for a merge.
As for the bots, man you might have a point, if nexon isn't capable, then they aren't capable unless they get creative
...but the majority has spoken we want a merge. ALSO I WANT TO SEE TIFA SENSEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the majority that are on the forums, keep in mind that not all players use the forums. Your numbers are as fudged as the us political vote results. Context here - the majority of the forum users are rallying on it.
As for the whole thing, why not just go with what another suggested and alliance more up and see how that goes? Better yet, why don't we push for more means of dealing with the botters [I know some people have left the game as they got sick of the botters and nothing seemed to change when they reported often] before a merge or alliance change?
and I keep seeing people going on about MMORPG and how it can't be if there's not a population - the numbers will not change for the game itself - it's still the same number of people just on different worlds/alliances/etc. So by that definition, it's still a MMORPG. I'm game for trying to up the number of players seeing one another, but I also want the botters dealt with, better quests [to lead to party play again] and maybe make some bosses require an actual party of 3+ players to go in to fight it.
Your'e changes to requiring a party to enter bosses and for PQ to be common again would require a healthy population, which in turn requires a world merge. Even when R&J was the easiest way to get to 140-150 I still had trouble finding people to enter (before nerfs).
It is true after a merge that the population wouldn't change, but the population wouldn't be spread out so thinly and seperated, which would make a significant difference. At the very least the game would be multi-player again if people can find each other in their servers.
But it seems you are in favor of world merge or alliance (correct me if those aren't the same thing) just not a massive merge. It looks like the difference between you and me is how optimistic we are about the game's population
Your'e changes to requiring a party to enter bosses and for PQ to be common again would require a healthy population, which in turn requires a world merge. Even when R&J was the easiest way to get to 140-150 I still had trouble finding people to enter (before nerfs).
It is true after a merge that the population wouldn't change, but the population wouldn't be spread out so thinly and seperated, which would make a significant difference. At the very least the game would be multi-player again if people can find each other in their servers.
But it seems you are in favor of world merge or alliance (correct me if those aren't the same thing) just not a massive merge. It looks like the difference between you and me is how optimistic we are about the game's population
the issue still stands on the PQ's needing reform though, there's no reason for people to partake in them compared to when I first started playing
- the rewards both in exp and gear you can "win" from them. Alishar's pq still has a low level eye accessory for a higher level entry requirement. R&J died off due to it becoming faster to grind at specific maps [so the exp rate dropped here, that and the pendant became easier to replace].
Even with a better and "healthy" populace, there's no real drive for people to party it up like they did back then. That's an issue that will still need to be addressed before or after a merge of any kind [an alliance keeps the worlds separate in terms of things like characters/legions/storage, but they interact with the allianced worlds, an example would be MYBCKN - characters in Mardia interact with those in Yellonde, Bellocan, Chaos, etc].
I'm unsure of the population due to the time frame I get to play on a regular basis - I'm usually on in the time frame of 12 pm PST [3 pm EST] to 6 pm PST [9 pm EST]. This seems to be during the school year a dead time frame, but sadly it would seem the population hasn't really grown in activity during the summer so far....
Your'e changes to requiring a party to enter bosses and for PQ to be common again would require a healthy population, which in turn requires a world merge. Even when R&J was the easiest way to get to 140-150 I still had trouble finding people to enter (before nerfs).
It is true after a merge that the population wouldn't change, but the population wouldn't be spread out so thinly and seperated, which would make a significant difference. At the very least the game would be multi-player again if people can find each other in their servers.
But it seems you are in favor of world merge or alliance (correct me if those aren't the same thing) just not a massive merge. It looks like the difference between you and me is how optimistic we are about the game's population
the issue still stands on the PQ's needing reform though, there's no reason for people to partake in them compared to when I first started playing
- the rewards both in exp and gear you can "win" from them. Alishar's pq still has a low level eye accessory for a higher level entry requirement. R&J died off due to it becoming faster to grind at specific maps [so the exp rate dropped here, that and the pendant became easier to replace].
Even with a better and "healthy" populace, there's no real drive for people to party it up like they did back then. That's an issue that will still need to be addressed before or after a merge of any kind [an alliance keeps the worlds separate in terms of things like characters/legions/storage, but they interact with the allianced worlds, an example would be MYBCKN - characters in Mardia interact with those in Yellonde, Bellocan, Chaos, etc].
I'm unsure of the population due to the time frame I get to play on a regular basis - I'm usually on in the time frame of 12 pm PST [3 pm EST] to 6 pm PST [9 pm EST]. This seems to be during the school year a dead time frame, but sadly it would seem the population hasn't really grown in activity during the summer so far....
I agree that there needs to be rework, but you need a higher population as well. It is true, if the population does increase and nothing else, it may or may not encourage people to PQ and at the very least people will have that option as a higher population provides more people that you can find to satisfy the entry requirements of having 3+ players. IF PQ's were reworked to be the main and best method to lvl up, attain the best equipment, scrolls or whatever, it means nothing if you can't enter and do the PQ simply because you could not find required number of players needed to enter. That's what I was trying to explain with the RnJ. When it was a legit freeway to 140-150 (Am I the only one that remembers this) channel 1 in the Party play area wasn't as full as it should be.
On topic: In the suggestions thread, there's a thread for discussion about this topic. In that thread, Arwoo said that Nexon's considering it. There is no specific date; we'll have to wait and see what they'll do about it.
I am from kradia. I'm stuck on this server with few players to play with, its kind of depressing. when will there be another world tranfer/leap anyone knows?
You're not alone brother, the majority (probably 99% of maplers, you can ask players in Scania, Bera, etc, everyone will tell you that they wants to merge, except a very very very few people.....) wants to merge all the worlds into Bera, so we'd end up with 2 worlds only, and they're Bera and Reboot, 2 worlds in GMS shouldn't be enough, to be honest, but that's way better than the current situation.
Also be careful when using caps, talking about the biggest problem in GMS (the insane amount of botters/hackers) or else you might get a warning/ban (just like my friend did) or maybe your thread will simply move to "Rants and Raves", why? because you used caps, so be careful... and I know it sounds a little bit like a dictatorship but unfortunately, we have no choice, this is the situation we are in.
Let's hope for the best and LET the merge begin.
Careful when using caps, talking about hackers or other big problems that we have in the game or else you might get banned/warning.
Just like my friend did -_-
You didn't even attempt to answer the question that was asked. Trying to drag a thread off topic like this along with trying to spread misinformation about the forums being a dictatorship when "your friend" did something wrong could possibly be why they got a warning.
You're not alone brother, the majority (probably 99% of maplers, you can ask players in Scania, Bera, etc, everyone will tell you that they wants to merge, except a very very very few people.....) wants to merge all the worlds into Bera, so we'd end up with 2 worlds only, and they're Bera and Reboot, 2 worlds in GMS shouldn't be enough, to be honest, but that's way better than the current situation.
Also be careful when using caps, talking about the biggest problem in GMS (the insane amount of botters/hackers) or else you might get a warning/ban (just like my friend did) or maybe your thread will simply move to "Rants and Raves", why? because you used caps, so be careful... and I know it sounds a little bit like a dictatorship but unfortunately, we have no choice, this is the situation we are in.
Let's hope for the best and LET the merge begin.
Careful when using caps, talking about hackers or other big problems that we have in the game or else you might get banned/warning.
Just like my friend did -_-
I'm sorry but I disagree with you, because he actually has a point..... it really feels as if you're trying to ignore his point or something....
But nothing will help you! we'll get what we (overwhelming majority) wants, and that's a merge! merge all worlds (without Reboot) to Bera!
There should have NEVER been a server transfer to begin with. They didn't even impose limits on servers before hand. Like comon really Nexon? If we had a merge we wouldn't be in this mess now. Such a dissapointment.
They screwed many servers for players. You'd think they'd act on this issue quickly. Not leave it in "discussion" for months on end. What's there to discuss? I know it's not something that can be done over night but you've done it before and we need it ASAP. It should have happened 1 month after those disaster transfers. They've left it far too long now.
But why?
Why don't we have more people like you?
By the way, just a little tip but be careful when you talk about these kinds of stuff.
I don't know if you can see that but I have a warning "MEDIUM" on my account, for something really really silly, I can't even remember what was it exactly but what I do remember is that I disagreed with someone in here from Nexon team (not a GM exactly, dunno how it's called) and she/he just got mad at me and decided to give me a warning, simply because I disagreed with her and told her that there are more hackers than legit players, so... be careful brothers, there's not really free speech in here... so watch out! (I hope they won't ban me for this, lol, if so, goodbye my brother
I'd like to know what point they brought up in that comment. Sorry, but "this is how it should be," "my opposition's idea is just crazy," and "the majority (numbers where?) wants to merge NOW!" are not points. They're statements. They don't prove anything; they don't help people understand anything; they're not based off of some fundamental or widespread understanding; they're not even personal anecdotes. I can't ignore what isn't there to begin with. But I'm going to just assume that I'm not going to get any info as to how people who are parroting the "merge worlds now" idea are basing their claims. We're going to have to agree to disagree, since I'm not seeing any arguments specifically about the situation and/or its solutions being brought up.
Well, I mean this thread is three threads combined into one, and there is two additional threads created that suggest world merged. I think a following has been rallied. Of course having a majority behind you doesn't prove infallibility, but does indicate that a lot of people are concerned.
bro what do you mean by no point of debating why is this thread open then? merging all the worlds into bera is dumb cause there too many hackers. just merge all the worlds together and rename the server then. that way no one will get sour about it. also the sound reason to merging all the worlds is to protect the interest of nexon all together and players. if 100 players our of 1 million want to stay on their own the majority wins. we the majority want a world merge if 100 people quit its all good cause its only 100 vs 1 million. this is actually a sound reason that is un debatable cause it makes sense. minority vs majority. majority will always win. take my notes and comments from before. merge all the worlds but reboot into one and rename it. get in game security to manually record and ban all hackers and anyone breaking tos agreements. if nexon america cant do it bring in the korean death team at least they got it together. note this isn't nexon hate speech this is recommendations and constructive criticism. remember the 100 people i can Empathize with you guys cause a few of my maple people don't want their servers to be left be but the majority has spoken we want a merge. ALSO I WANT TO SEE TIFA SENSEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No point in debating with people who continually pull the "majority" card and grab other baseless claims out of thin air. It isn't sound reasoning if you have no way to prove that this is what the majority wants besides using a couple of forum threads. Add in the fact that people who use this excuse usually don't have solid reasons why there should be a merge besides "this world is dead" and don't state ways to fix the situation, and there's nothing substantial to discuss. Although you're on the "majority" train, you seem to have provided a point to discuss, so I'll address that.
Banning bots manually is like stepping on bugs one at a time when you have an infestation. The people that program them are more resilient than you give them credit for. Nexon would have to actually have some way of banning them correctly and make it hard for them to come back; from what I've seen, it's as easy as ever to create an account and their past attempts at using software to ban bots have been incredibly shaky (aka I have no confidence in them to get either of these done right).
the majority that are on the forums, keep in mind that not all players use the forums. Your numbers are as fudged as the us political vote results. Context here - the majority of the forum users are rallying on it.
As for the whole thing, why not just go with what another suggested and alliance more up and see how that goes? Better yet, why don't we push for more means of dealing with the botters [I know some people have left the game as they got sick of the botters and nothing seemed to change when they reported often] before a merge or alliance change?
and I keep seeing people going on about MMORPG and how it can't be if there's not a population - the numbers will not change for the game itself - it's still the same number of people just on different worlds/alliances/etc. So by that definition, it's still a MMORPG. I'm game for trying to up the number of players seeing one another, but I also want the botters dealt with, better quests [to lead to party play again] and maybe make some bosses require an actual party of 3+ players to go in to fight it.
Having a dead world and what that entails is the only reason to merge worlds, if the worlds were not dead, then well these threads exist. I can't think of any other reason for a merge.
As for the bots, man you might have a point, if nexon isn't capable, then they aren't capable unless they get creative
Your'e changes to requiring a party to enter bosses and for PQ to be common again would require a healthy population, which in turn requires a world merge. Even when R&J was the easiest way to get to 140-150 I still had trouble finding people to enter (before nerfs).
It is true after a merge that the population wouldn't change, but the population wouldn't be spread out so thinly and seperated, which would make a significant difference. At the very least the game would be multi-player again if people can find each other in their servers.
But it seems you are in favor of world merge or alliance (correct me if those aren't the same thing) just not a massive merge. It looks like the difference between you and me is how optimistic we are about the game's population
the issue still stands on the PQ's needing reform though, there's no reason for people to partake in them compared to when I first started playing
Even with a better and "healthy" populace, there's no real drive for people to party it up like they did back then. That's an issue that will still need to be addressed before or after a merge of any kind [an alliance keeps the worlds separate in terms of things like characters/legions/storage, but they interact with the allianced worlds, an example would be MYBCKN - characters in Mardia interact with those in Yellonde, Bellocan, Chaos, etc].
I'm unsure of the population due to the time frame I get to play on a regular basis - I'm usually on in the time frame of 12 pm PST [3 pm EST] to 6 pm PST [9 pm EST]. This seems to be during the school year a dead time frame, but sadly it would seem the population hasn't really grown in activity during the summer so far....
I agree that there needs to be rework, but you need a higher population as well. It is true, if the population does increase and nothing else, it may or may not encourage people to PQ and at the very least people will have that option as a higher population provides more people that you can find to satisfy the entry requirements of having 3+ players. IF PQ's were reworked to be the main and best method to lvl up, attain the best equipment, scrolls or whatever, it means nothing if you can't enter and do the PQ simply because you could not find required number of players needed to enter. That's what I was trying to explain with the RnJ. When it was a legit freeway to 140-150 (Am I the only one that remembers this) channel 1 in the Party play area wasn't as full as it should be.
Off topic:
You didn't even attempt to answer the question that was asked. Trying to drag a thread off topic like this along with trying to spread misinformation about the forums being a dictatorship when "your friend" did something wrong could possibly be why they got a warning.
hecktheyre talking about