i am on of the few Beast Tamer main here and i have noticed that when i die with the bear reborn buff on, the respawn window doesnt show and i have to log out and back in to play. my biggest question was : is the Beast Tamer a forgotten class that only get fixes/buffs when available to create? i am asking this because i really love the concept and the class but i dont feel like the class is getting as much support as the other classes. i have checked the mapleSea BEYOND update and no other 5th job skill is announced for BT (even zero has one) and the one we currently have is really underwhelming. in conclusion, i really wish BT gets some nice buffs in the future or at least his bugs fixed.
PS: in Dimension invasion PQ, everytime i kill a mob i get lagspikes.
Okay Nexon...This is actually hilarious.
So let me summarize what happened:
1. You tried to earn money from your Reboot player base by placing medals in your crossover box (10 more attack). Understandable. You're a business.
2. Community made a "backlash," and you "listened to your community" by twisting their words. You somewhat did your job, but definitely wrongly.
3. You found a "loophole" in your community's words and decided to add unique pot scrolls and apples because we didn't explicitly say you couldn't. Either one of these... is so so much more than 10 more attack. My rich cousin can now skip weeks of farming in a blink of an eye! Let's hear it for the pay2win-able unique pots!
4. Event is now, and people will have gained access to pay2win for unique pot scrolls and apples, so it's "too late" to revert. Onyx apple training ohmygod!!! #2008
From what I can tell, it seems like you're skimming your community's words from pure obligation. Then you're "fixing" the community problem before trying to find a new way to earn the lost profit. Not sure how obvious it is that trying to pull a fast one on us is not going to end well.
Can we just get the medals? We understand that you don't mind blowing up your Reboot philosophy, so why are you hindering us now? Do you hate us?