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Last Active
  • Absolute Taste event - inventory clogger

    Hey guys! Thanks for the feedback here regarding the amount of inventory space this event eats up.
    We've delivered the contents of this thread to our team for review.
  • Q&A Ft. MapleStory's Investigation and CS Team

    Hi Maplers!

    We've reopened this discussion with the response that we've gathered from our CS and Investigations team. Apologies if an answer could not be provided to your question in this round of Q&A. We would like to hold more of these in the future in our hopes to provide Maplers with more insight into our constant battle with illegitimate players and the support that is provided. Thank you to everyone who participated in this Q&A by submitting your questions!

    Q: Are there any future implementations on revamping the autoban system? Currently it appears to be banning a number of legitimate players?
    A: We know that there have been various cases of the anti-cheat system in MapleStory targeting legitimate players in the past. Most of the time this is in part due to new features, skills, item interactions, etc. introduced in game updates that inadvertently trigger existing criteria we have set in place. It’s difficult to predict when things might be triggered this way. We may test things extensively on our end prior to an update, but in a live environment things sometimes find a way to go wrong. Thanks, ‘Murphy’s Law’  . These cases are somewhat rare in frequency, and when it happens we are usually aware of the situation rather quickly. The investigations team will immediately reverse any of the blocks that are placed on the accounts, and those blocks have no bearing on any ban history. We also investigate what may have caused those mistaken triggers and work with our developers to remedy that situation as soon as possible. We understand our system isn’t perfect, and we are continuously working to improve it. If you ever find yourself in such a situation, we encourage you to submit a ticket about your case and we are more than happy to look at it.

    Q: Are there any sort of 'second chances' being implemented for those that have been temporarily banned/removed off rankings? I know MapleStory has done so in the past, even lifting the bans off of permanently banned players.
    A: The second chance program initiated a few years back was an experimental program to see whether or not abusive players from the past could learn from those mistakes and play the game without the use of third party hacking programs. We have since finished the program and concluded our analysis. At the moment, we do not have any plans on reviving that program again.

    Q: Is better training being done on the customer support teams to better assist us? Most GMs seem pretty incompetent on the happenings of in game events or items. Most don't seem to even play the game or have an understanding of it. They give inconsistent answers or simply copy and paste a response.
    A: MapleStory is a complex game that requires a lot of time and dedication to keep up-to-date on new systems, content updates, etc. Many of our agents are cross-trained to handle multiple titles, which depending on the workload, can make it a challenge to remain an expert. To address that, we will be making efforts to ensure that our agents take the time to understand the game, the events, new content, and even our internal policies better, without compromising our ability to provide the players the answers they need in a timely manner.

    Q: For players who sell items for illicit currency such as Paypal (PP,) Western Union (WU) and other forms of money, how come those players don't get banned right away. I've seen players trying to sell on a daily basis through hire merchants or shop permits.
    A: We understand that RMT (Real Money Trading) is a big issue which does have a negative impact on both our business and game economies. To put it simply, it’s difficult to catch RMT activity happening outside of the game. Those transactions that you are describing happen through back channels and alternate accounts that are not linked to player’s main accounts. We simply do not have as much oversight on those transactions, which makes it difficult to conduct these types of investigations. In order to take any proper action on accounts involved in this activity, we need to have solid evidence of those transactions linked to the accounts. That alone takes time, which explains why you don’t see them get banned right away.

    Q: Are the investigations regarding the December 2015 Cube Exploit ever going to resume? Many players were unfairly banned for coming in contact with items they had no clue were exploited, without any way to avoid it.
    A: We are no longer investigating this issue and we consider the matter closed.
    To add a bit of transparency regarding the December 2015 cube exploit, I’d like to share with you some of the criteria we used for investigating the issue. First of all, there were a set number of players taking direct part in the exploit that allowed a player to exploit a hot time reward box, which gave players an unlimited amount of miracle cubes. Those accounts have been permanently blocked with no chance of release. The investigation didn’t stop there, as the team had to look for associated accounts involved with the exploit. We looked into the movement flow of items that were obtained by and given to direct exploiters for upgrade, but we didn’t place blocks solely on that. We had to look at other criteria as well, such as IP association, the quantity of items received from direct exploiters, and whether or not there was indirect trade activity or other types of behavior indicative of malicious intent to profit from the exploit. If any account fit these criteria, the accounts were found to be associated or tied to direct exploiters and were blocked.
    Last year, the investigations team was made aware via forums and other social media channels of player's concerns about the resolution of this case. The team took another look into the investigation of the December exploit to see if appropriate actions and decisions by investigators were taken at the time. We came to the conclusion that the actions the investigators took to look into the accounts were appropriate. Because of that we consider the matter closed.

    Q: Why are botters not being banned and roaming freely? They are always taking over maps in every channel which ruins gameplay experience for normal players.
    A: We do our best to catch and ban the players that violate our Terms of Service and continue to explore different methods to improve our abilities to do so.

    Q: Are there talks in introducing the CAPTCHA text verification system back into GMS that is currently present in the other versions of the game (KMS, MSEA)? As far as I am aware they were removed because players used the "Lie Detector" USE item to pester players.
    A: We did in fact at one point of the service utilize a “Lie Detector” CAPTCHA system, whose purpose was to combat botting. But players ended up abusing the system during boss battles, jump quests and other normal instances. So we removed the CAPTCHA as it was ultimately ineffective. At this time we do not have any plans to bring back the lie detector, but we can certainly take another look at the item, see if it can be improved upon to prevent abuse, and put it up for consideration in the future.

    Q: Why isn't Live Chat available around the clock, as befits a Global service?
    A: We understand players enjoy this service due to preferred direct Player-to-GM interactions and quicker resolution times. Unfortunately at this time, we can only accommodate the hours that we currently have for live chat. We'll continue to take a look at our operations as a whole to see if it could possibly be feasible in the future.

    Q: Why aren't hackers permanently banned on their first ban? Being someone who has reported and gotten various hackers banned it always disheartens me when I see them back. These players know exactly what they are doing. You don't accidentally download and use hacks and they do the same thing when they are back or until they hit 250 in which they start doing it on a mule account.
    Q: How is the length of bans determined? A more direct question: why is hacking given potentially as light of a ban as 2 weeks? I have seen many players using hacks to attack the entire map, and farm nodes/elite drops only get 2-4 week bans. This length of time seems more appropriate to a macro botter (that is a bot that doesn't hack).

    A: Ideally, we'd like to give an abusive player the benefit of the doubt that they had a moment of weakness when it comes to their decision making when deciding to use third party hacking tools. Also, we'd like to think that a minimum term of a two week suspension plus possible rank removal, is enough of a reason for a previously innocent player not to continue their cheating ways. Unfortunately, we understand that's often not the case, and we'll have to take a deeper look into that. Also, keep in mind that we take repeat offenses for hacking very seriously and will often institute a no-leniency stance on those accounts. At the end of the day, the lengths of the ban are based on the type of offense and frequency, and the Sr. GM is final arbiter when a decision needs to be made concerning ban leniency.

    Q: Why do people who have been banned for botting/hacking get to keep all their "progress"? The worst part about people coming back from a ban is that they lose nothing. This is why you have so many people who hack/bot and do not care because they know even if they get banned they'll still have everything after the ban. I know de-leveling players may cause issues but there has to be something else that can be done. People who bot or exploit should have all goods removed after their ban and more.
    A: To put it simply, it's easier said than done. Any kind of item, currency, progress, or purchase removal is a very tricky and timely process. This is especially more so in cases where a player may have had their account taken over by a third party source and used for hacking/botting. We can look at ways to see if removing gold, items, and EXP can be done for banned players in the future. However, in the priority of things, doing this will mean that we can’t do something else that would more benefit the players.

    Q: Why aren't shops in the free market investigated? There are loads of shops that scream "hacker/botter". They are filled with elite boss items, legendary items and spell trace usually. A lot of these shops have been in business for years and are making thousands of dollars off your game. It wouldn't be hard to look into the shop owners and see what trades are being done to and from the player. You would get a large stream of accounts connected to it that are going to be hacking mule accounts and you'd also get the player's main.
    A: We do investigate Free Market shops. Often times it is difficult to identify if the item was obtained through illicit activities.

    Q: Is it true that Customer Support agents are measured by the number of tickets they close and/or live chat conversations they complete?
    If so, is there any mechanism in place to make sure their motivation to help the players and the game is higher than their motivation to close the case ASAP?
    If it is not true, how do you explain the cases in which people got brushed off by CS agents, only to get a completely different response once the issue was escalated to a Senior GM, or the CM took notice?

    A. We do not solely rely on the number of tickets and chats completed to quantify an agent’s overall performance. There are multiple attributes that we use to measure performance, with most being quality based.
    Please keep in mind that each agent has different personalities, methodologies, and ways of going about a solution. Sometimes an agent may not make the right decision when responding to a ticket or chat. That is why Senior GM’s exist: to identify where an agent may have erred in their response and to coach them on proper handling of the case. For the most part these same CS agents typically have gone above and beyond to assist a player and solve their issue. But when one agent’s response is taken, usually out of context, and displayed publicly on Reddit or a forum in a mocking or demeaning way, it gives a false impression that the agent doesn’t care or worse, doesn’t want to make things right for the player.

    Q: Does it ever hurt or demoralize you to read, hear, or witness the things people say about you? Assuming you know the things people say about you?
    A: Of course it does. Contrary to popular belief, we’re not robots. We swear! Rather than see it as a mountain of negatives though, we try and use it as motivation to strive to make a better game for the players.

    Q: My question is going to be this... When are you going to be a lot more pro-active in dealing with spammer bots in Towns and FM (Meso sellers, basically) and dealing with bots killing mobs in various locations?
    A: Everyday we are catching and investigating players that violate our Terms of Service.

    Q: What is the investigations and CS team doing within the hopefully near future to become more transparent with the player base?
    A: Participating in events such as this. We do work with our community manager, Arwoo, very often to share appropriate and transparent messaging when various hacking incidents or major exploits arise. We also are continuously trying to improve our messaging in tickets and live chat responses to give a clearer picture to the player about any ban issues that players come across.

    Q: Why is it so difficult to redistribute an item to a player if something unfortunately happens to it? Now I'm not talking about a player destroying their items with a scroll or the likes, but more for the players who accidentally drop an untradeable item or get hacked and lose their items. Other game companies are so helpful to these issues and will give players back their items, sometimes within 24 hours. However, with Nexon if this happens players who submit a ticket or go to live chat about this are basically told that there is nothing that they will do since they don't replace player mistakes.

    A: Investigating claims that something disappeared by accident can be very subjective at times. It's hard to discern off of the player's word alone whether a player's lost item was an accident or not. We understand where other game companies are coming from when they restore items for players, because of the way their item movement is structured there's really only few avenues for an item to be removed from the player. With a system like MapleStory, a player can drop an item to trade, destroy an item through various forms of enhancement, sell the item via market, and so on, to where it's easy for a player to make a false claim without proper investigation. Keep in mind, we do restore items in cases of unintended removal such as illegal access to the account or mistakenly written item descriptions. In those cases, we have to do a very thorough investigation to verify the claim.

    Thank you,

    -Maple Team
  • [Internal Only] Skill Revamp Changes

    Greetings team,

    Please refer to this thread for information regarding the skill changes.

    All Job Class Changes
    [Auto Recovery 1]: Increased cooldown between usage.
    [Auto Recovery 2]: Increased cooldown between usage.
    [Relentless Attack]: Increased cooldown between usage.
    [Final Attack]: Fixed error where 5th Job Final Attack type skills did not trigger.

    [Venom Burst]: Increased the damage over time ratio.
    [Venom Burst]: Increased Damage and Number of Attacks.

    [Blitz Shield]: Adjusted the HP cost and number of shields created.

    [Burning Soul Blade]: Fixed error where it disappeared when changing maps after already having it cast.
    [Worldreaver]: Fixed error with Boss Damage increasing after usage.
    [Puncture]: Decreased Combo Orb Cost.
    [Worldreaver]: Increased Combo Orb Cost.
    [Burning Soul Blade]: Duration adjusted.

    [Hammers of the Righteous]: Decreased damage and decreased attack interval per hammer when active effect is triggered.
    [Divine Shield]: Protection count is shown in buff window when Protective Shield is created.
    [Blast]: Damage increased.

    Dark Knight
    [Evil Eye of Domination]: Changed to a passive skill. If you summon Evil Eye after learning Evil Eye of Domination, it will be summoned in the Evil Eye of Domination state.
    [Evil Eye Shock]: Fixed error which caused Radiant Evil's cast motion to disappear when used together with Radiant Evil.
    [Sacrifice]: Decreased the decreasing cooldown effect when Evil Eye successfully attacks.
    [Radiant Evil]: Adjusted MP Cost and Damage. Radiant Evil does not triggered when used at the same time as Sacrifice, but fixed error where the cooldown was applied.
    [Final Pact]: Cooldown will be displayed in the buff window.
    [Gungnir's Descent]: Damage increased.

    All Mages
    [Mana Overload]: Fixed error where additional MP usage is increased when using key-down skill while this skill is in use.

    Arch Mage (Fire, Poison)
    [Paralyze]: Attack range is increased.
    [Infinity]: Added threshold to the Final Damage increase.
    [DoT Punisher]: Fixed error where additional flame orbs are not created in proportion to the number of DoT.
    [Poison Nova]: Decreased MP cost.
    [Poison Nova]: Increased explosion damage.

    Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning)
    [Infinity]: Added threshold to the Final Damage increase.
    [Lightning Orb]: Damage is reduced.
    [Bolt Barrage]: Decreased Damage when lightning hits consecutively.
    [Chain Lightning]: Increased spread range.

    [Heal]: Removed function where EXP was increased when healing party members.
    [Angel Ray]: Removed function where EXP was increased when healing party members.
    [Infinity]: Added threshold to the Final Damage increase.
    [Benediction]: Adjusted Cooldown and HP Recovery.
    [Angel of Balance]: Decreased duration. Adjusted INT and Damage Increase maximum value required for the buff's Damage Increase when Righteously Indignant was disabled.
    [Righteously Indignant]: Final Damage increased upon use.

    All Bowman
    [Guided Arrow]: Damage increased.
    [Fury of the Wild]: Increased Damage and Number of Attacks (Explorer Bowman only)

    [Inhuman Speed]: Adjusted Number of Attacks required for Damage to trigger the passive effect.
    [Inhuman Speed]: Cooldown increased.

    [Piercing Arrow]: Adjusted the increased Final Damage and arrow speed after Damage and penetration.
    [Snipe]: Increased arrow speed.
    [High Speed Shot]: Casting time was reduced.
    [Split Shot]: Adjusted attack range and Cooldown.
    [Piercing Arrow]: Casting delay reduced.

    [Critical Throw]: Reduced Critical Damage increase.
    [Night Lord's Mark]: Decreased number of throwing stars thrown.
    [Bleed Dart]: Adjusted Cooldown and DoT duration.
    [Claw Expert]: Critical Damage increased.
    [Showdown - Enhance]: Skill icon fixed to match the applied value.
    [Shurrikane]: Increases chance for Assassin's Mark to trigger.

    [Trickblade]: Removed counterattack function because the skill logic changed. A wound debuff is given to the enemy when Assassinate's last attack hits. If an enemy has max wound debuff, this skill can be linked from Assassinate's last attack. If the skill is used on its own, your friends in hiding will be summoned to attack several enemies.
    [Midnight Carnival]: Increases Damage and decreases Number of Attacks. This is to prevent Damage loss due to the limit on the max Number of Attacks.
    [Dagger Expert]: Critical Damage increased.
    [Prime Critical]: Critical Damage increased.
    [Shadower Instinct]: Attack Power increased.
    [Trickblade]: Number of attacks increased.

    Dual Blade
    [Blade Fury]: Increased Damage.
    [Dual Wield Expert]: Final Damage increased.
    [Phantom Blow]: Damage increased.
    [Balde Tempest]: Increased Damage of first attack and decreased Number of Attacks. This is to prevent Damage loss due to the limit on the max Number of Attacks.

    [Dragon Strike]: Increased the time in which Final Damage is increased.
    [Lord of the Deep]: Adjusted Energy Cost and add function to decrease Energy Cost when a boss monster is included in the enemies hit.
    [Corkscrew Blow]: A function was added where you teleport in the direction you pressed if you used the left and right directional key when linked from Spiral Assault. Increased Number of Attacks, decreased Damage, and can be linked to Octopunch.
    [Lord of the Deep]: Decreased Damage and increased Energy Cost when fully charged.

    [Target Lock]: Adjusted Cooldown, Max Enemies Hit, and Damage.
    [Parrotargetting]: Increased Final Damage that increases when attacking a monster you are homing and increased the Critical Damage which is a passive effect.

    [Mega Monkey Magic]: Reduced duration.
    [Cannon of Mass Destruction]: Increased the time to prepare a cannonball.
    [The Nuclear Option]: Invincible after shooting.
    [Cannon Barrage]: Damage is increased.
    [Cannon of Mass Destruction]: Fixed error where monkey looked awkward when cast.
    [The Nuclear Option]: Increased explosion damage and DoT of contaminated area. Fixed error where monkey looked awkward when cast.

    All Cygnus
    [Phalanx Charge]: Fixed error where Dark Sight is not canceled when attacking enemies, and Thunder Breaker's Arc Charger being applied.
    [Phalanx Charge]: Cooldown and duration increased.

    [Soul Blade]: Casting time is reduced.
    [Royal Guard]: Attack Power which increased upon successful guard will increase when stack is at least 3.
    [Soul Driver]: Casting Delay is reduced.
    [Trinity Attack]: Attack range is increased.
    [Four-Point Assault]: Attack range is increased.
    [Shield of Light]: Fixed error where the Final Damage Increase buff was not protected by Buff Freezer.
    [Sword of Light]: The function that resets Royal Guard's Attack Power buff duration was changed to function into increasing a fixed quantity.
    [Sword of Light]: It can be used even if you don't have Royal Guard's Attack Power buff.

    Dawn Warrior
    [True Sight]: Reduced Final Damage Increase received by the enemy.
    [Styx Crossing]: Decreased Damage when at full charge.
    [Rift of Damnation]: Increased Styx Crossing's Damage reduction.

    Blaze Wizard
    [Pure Magic]: Removed function that increased Critical Damage.
    [Savage Flame]: Fixed error where it cannot be used sometimes in Hungry Muto content.
    [Burning Conduit]: Decreased duration and Cooldown, and increased Damage.

    Wind Archer
    [Spiraling Vortex]: Reduced casting delay.
    [Touch of the Wind]: Attack Power, DEX, and HP Increase effect changed to passive effects.

    Night Walker
    [Shadow Bat]: Added function to increase Damage when attacking normal monsters.
    [Throwing Mastery]: Damage increase amount was increased.
    [Quintuple Star - Boss Rush]: Increased the Boss Damage Increase effect.
    [Shadow Jump]: Added function increasing Final Damage of attack skill that throws stars while jumping.
    [Critical Throw]: Critical Damage increased.
    [Throwing Expert]: Critical Damage increased.

    Thunder Breaker
    [Thunderbolt]: Reduced casting delay.
    [Knuckle Expert]: Reduced the Critical Damage increase.
    [Thunder God]: Critical Damage increased.
    [Lightning Cascade]: Increased Damage of powerful lightning that triggers when attacking 1 monster and decreased the Number of Attacks. This is to prevent Damage loss due to the limit on the max Number of Attacks.
    [Shark Torpedo]: Damage increased.

    All Heroes
    [Freud's Wisdom]: Fixed error where additional reduction of cooldown wasn't applied upon first stack and reduces the decreased amount. When character dies during use, the longer cooldown is applied.
    [Freud's Wisdom]: Fixed error where the cooldown of Freud's Wisdom wasn't applied properly when Phantom uses Reckless Hunt with Impeccable Memory.

    [Maha's Fury]: Added a function to instantly increase Combo at a fixed quantity when used.

    [Wyrmking's Breath]: Reduced Damage.
    [Dragon Breath]: Increased Wind Flash's Damage.
    [Earth Breath]: A fixed ratio of Final Damage will not disperse due to the change in the damage dispersion formula.
    [Cyclone Breath]: Damage increased.

    [Leaf Tornado]: Increased Damage.
    [Sylvidia's Flight]: Decreased cooldown of rush attack.
    [Ignis Roar]: Added passive effect that increases Final Damage.
    [Dual Bowguns Expert]: Critical Damage increased.
    [Sylvidia's Flight]: Cooldown reduced.

    [Clair de Lune]: Changed into a passive skill.
    [Luck of the Draw]: Increased number of cards thrown. Fixed error where hourglass effect was not applied.
    [Ace in the Hole]: Fixed error where if you are affected by Combat Orders the last attack cancels Dark Sight.
    [Mille Aiguilles]: Damage increased.
    [Cane Expert]: Final Damage increased.

    [Ray of Redemption]: Removed function where EXP increased when healing party members.
    [Apocalypse]: Reduced casting delay.
    [Morning Star]: Reduced casting delay.
    [Aether Conduit]: Reduced duration.
    Light/dark gauge will be kept when you revive.
    [Ender]: Increased Damage and decreased Number of Attacks. This is to prevent Damage loss due to the limit on the max Number of Attacks.

    [Spirit Trap]: Fixed error where message is not displayed when the enemy resists incapacitation Abnormal Status.
    [Advanced Knuckle Mastery]: Added function that increases Final Damage.
    [Spiritgate]: Damage increased.

    Demon Slayer
    [Demon Awakening]: Removed function that increased Final Damage.
    [Demon Cry]: Increased Damage and decreased Number of Attacks. This is to prevent Damage loss due to the limit on the max Number of Attacks.
    [Blue Blood]: Fixed error where some images of cast effect looked awkward.
    [Demon Awakening]: Duration increased.

    Demon Avenger
    [Demonic Frenzy]: Added function that decreased hit damage (includes attack that deals fixed rate of Max HP) when used.
    [Demonic Blast]: Decreased HP Cost when charging.

    All Resistance
    [Resistance Infantry]: Reduces Damage.

    [Charge Skill]: Eases the phenomenon of the client closing when you repeatedly cancel the action of the skill by using a charge skill.
    [Shotgun Punch]: Decreased the Damage Increase of Double Blast.
    [Muzzle Flash]: Decreased Damage Increase of Magnum Punch.

    Battle Mage
    [Battle Mastery]: Increased Critical Damage.
    [Staff Expert]: Increased Critical Damage.
    [Aura Scythe]: Increased Blow Damage.
    [Altar of Annihilation]: Adjusted Cooldown, the time to prepare altar, and the duration.
    [Dark Chain]: Can link to Blow-type skills and removes Battle Burst's link.
    [Battle Burst]: Able to link to all Blow-type skills.
    [Spell Boost]: Magic ATT increased.

    Wild Hunter
    [Wild Arrow Blast]: Increased Damage.
    [Drill Salvo]: Added function that increases Damage when attacking normal monster with Wild Arrow Blast while mounted on Jaguar.
    [Wild Arrow Blast - Boss Rush]: Increased Boss Damage.
    [Primal Fury]: Added function for the Another Bite debuff to take effect when the attack hits an enemy.
    [Extended Magazine]: Increased All Stats Increase, added function that increases Final Damage, and removed the function that increases Damage.
    [Jaguar Storm]: Duration increased.

    [Core Overload]: Decreased MP Cost and MP Cost over time when used. Core Overload is disabled when you enter a map where it cannot be used.
    [OOPArts Code]: Add function that increased Final Damage and removed function that increased Damage.

    [Mobile Missile Battery]: Adjusted Damage and Cooldown.
    [Mobile Missile Battery]: Number of missiles shot increased.

    [Nova Guardians]: Eases error where former Kaiser disappears.
    [Ancestral Prominence]: Added function to increase Morph Gauge when used.
    [Bladefall]: Added function where magma instantly occurs when skill is used again after the blade lands. Damage increased in proportion to the time the blade landed.

    Angelic Buster
    [Soul Seeker Expert]: Fixed error where only 1 essence occurs when there is 1 enemy.
    [Soul Shooter Expert]: Critical Damage increased.

    [Air Riot]: Fixed error with different shock wave delay.
    Attack Power Bonus Stats of Lapis/Lazuli changed to same logic as other class weapons. Automatically changed for existing character.
    [Divine Leer]: Critical Damage increased.

    [Pure Power]: Changed to passive skill.
    [Psychic Reinforcement]: Changed to passive skill.
    [Telepath Tactics]: Changed to passive skill.
    [Psychic Grab]: Increased upward attack range.
    [Psychic Clutch]: Increased upward attack range.
  • Suggestions for Royal Hairs/Faces & Perm NX Covers

    RikoLatté wrote: »
    Arwoooo, where you at with all these suggestions coming in?!


    We're compiling and sending these suggestions every week. No need to be alarmed if you don't see my post. As I've mentioned quite awhile back, we're watching this thread!
    JettLuvsUDarkPassengerPeepAlexFIvangoldDividedFlowemperor52TimmygodInvulgoJulyand 5 others.
  • [Contest] Maple Fashion: Design Story


    The dress up element is strong in MapleStory and that's because of our seemingly endless wardrobe.
    As part of our road towards introducing new Outfits to the community, we will be holding a contest to give Maplers a chance of introducing new equipment cover designs as well!

    Read up on all the details below before submitting your entry to this thread:

    How to Enter:
    1. Create your own template or download the template here: http://imgur.com/a/cBnWt
    2. Draw your outfit design on the template. All variations of the poses provided on the template must be covered (we accept both digital and traditional art)
    3. Post your completed outfit here in this thread. Be sure to explain your entry in detail.
    Please note that you should be very clear in your description of each individual item. This means if your entry has a cape, hat, top, bottom, shoes, and gloves, you should state each piece and make sure they're visible.

    Requirements & Rules:
    • You're entering an outfit, not a single cover equipment piece. You're not required to draw a cover for every slot of equipment, but the bare minimum should be a hat along with an overall, or top and bottom.
    • Only one (1) entry can be submitted per person. This means you cannot submit an entry for both males and females unless the single outfit entry is stated as unisex.
    • No explicit content. Submission of images with themes of violence, drugs, nudity, and other offensive content is subject to disqualification and potential account ban.
    • Do not use the apparel of licensed characters from other games or anime in your artwork.
    • All submissions become the property of Nexon. All designs received in this contest may be published, modified, and reused by Nexon in any medium.
    Our panel of judges includes members from the Nexon Community and Production team. We will go through the entries at the end of the contest and select the top 10 outfit designs. After our selection process has concluded, we will create a separate thread where the community may cast their vote. The top 3 designs with the most votes will be crowned the winners. All outfit deigns will be shared with our game team, but we cannot promise that the winning designs will be made in-game.

    Contest Duration: August 18th 2017 - September 18th 2017