Just my 2 cents on the matter, if the removal of exclusive regional content such as Jett allows for concentration on better/more quality mainstream content due to more efficient allocation of development resources then I am all for it. To me quality standard content is wholeheartedly preferred to exclusive region based content.
Between Reboots F2P model and several scandals that have gutted the amount of paying players, myself included (back from a 2 or 3 year hiatus after inner ability rigged coding fiasco), GMS isn't exactly a huge cash bank for maple.
I can't pretend to predict the future of GMS maple, but I can say if the result of Jetts removal truly leads to less buggy programming and better quality content then they have a begrudging and doubtful nod of approval for now, from my direction.
Another good way to get mesos would be to save up Legion Coins and spend them all on the Large Meso Sack for 1 Million Mesos (per gain) and buy 20 of them to get 20 Million Mesos (The most you can get per week) and in about half-a-months time, you can get what you are looking for and then some.