If the op's logic was every other job has an iframe, then yes, you're statement of saying "No character should be locked out of bossing simply because they have an EXP boost. If this was the case, Bishop requires a nerf." would make sense, but that isn't the case. Haven't played a bishop, so I don't know if they have iframes, but I'm going off the assumption they don't (I know that Heaven's Door is a revive, not an iframe), then my original logic of a job having either only iframe or exp/drop boost but not both still holds (yes, I'm sure there's jobs that have both, but I'm just saying Bishop because that's the specific job you pointed out), while the op's wish to have both does not.
There's beast tamer (lol) that has both an EXP/Drop Boost (Arby form) and a massive 30 second iframe skill.yes, I'm sure there's jobs that have both
What do you expect everyone to look at every single person they ever see's previous comments on other threads? How would they know why you don't use them? Most of us would because it's a free block that doesn't hog a character slot.
Y u dont want to use steam? O.o , to me i switched from nexon launcher to steam and its been a much smoother experience