Hello Maplers!
Maple Fashion: Design Story for outfit has returned once again!
Previous Maple Fashion: Design Story had stunning submissions and winners that you may be familiar with, such as
ShiyumiSama's Stray Cat (aka Homeless Cat),
TsuusT's Fox Fire Outfit, and
Renni's Erda Outfit!
We all know, FashionStory is the true endgame and it's time for your creativity and imagination to come to life in pixels! Were there any outfits that you've always wanted for your MapleStory character? If so, now is the time! Create your very own outfit design and you never know, it just might get implemented in-game!
*Please note that this contest is being held on our Official MapleStory Discord and Forums.
Submission Dates:
April 12 - May 14th 10:00 AM PT
How to Enter:
1. You can use your own template or download the template here:
2. Comment on this Contest post
3. Include the following with your entry:
- Your In-game name
- World Name
- Your design of the outfit (at least a Hat & Overall/Top&Bottom)
- You must submit an outfit design in an entry to be considered. You're entering an outfit, not a single cover equipment piece. You're not required to draw a cover for every slot of equipment, but the bare minimum should be a hat along with an overall, or top and bottom.
- Only one (1) entry can be submitted per person. (It can be Unisex or Male/Female can be on 1 submission.)
- No explicit content is allowed. Please keep it appropriate and PG-13.
- Do not use outfit of licensed characters from other games or anime in your artwork.
- All submissions become the property of Nexon. All designs received in this contest may be published, modified, and reused by Nexon in any medium.
Judging Process:
- Our panel of judges includes members from the Nexon MapleStory Community and Production team. We plan to go through the entries at the end of the contest and select top 8 to 10 outfit designs. After our selection, we plan to allow community to cast their vote. Top 3 designs with the most votes will be our winners.
- All designs will be shared and be reviewed by our development team equally regardless of the design's winning status. However, please note that we do not guarantee that any specific designs will be implemented in-game.
1st Place: 100,000 Maple Points
2nd Place: 75,000 Maple Points
3rd Place: 50,000 Maple Points
- Regardless of your winning status, you will be given your outfit once if it is implemented in-game.
Official Rules: