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  • Reboot's Reward Shop is in an Unacceptable State

    I am perfectly fine with taking away Wild Totems, but you cannot just take away and not have anything to replace it in some fashion. Reboot's Reward Shop was already very lackluster with the Wild Totems and now it is in an unacceptable state currently without them.

    I, and probably a lot of others feel the same way, of being mistreated by Nexon and get frustrated with things like their lack of hindsight and proactive moves to keep the player base, which are your customers by the way, happy. Which leads to people being frustrated, annoyed, and way too often angry (and I am not talking about the people on Reddit and such that always just whine and complain about everything).

    Big hype patch with Hyper Burning and Cygnus Remaster? Probably should have immediately expanded Reboot to 40 channels because you KNEW 100% that there will be a huge influx of active concurrent players! You just need some hindsight for stuff like this (and this is just one example).


    Reboot Reward Shop Additions and Improvements:

    ~ Increase the Water of Life per month to 3 (three) from 1 (one) so that players can actually revive their triple pets on their characters.
    --- This move would help increase your sales with NX purchases because players go from thinking "Why buy a new pet when it will just expire and I cannot revive it?" to thinking "That is a cute pet set! Let me go buy them since the reward shop will let me revive all 3 pets after they dry up."

    ~ Add in 20 Maple Tour Tickets per month (just like the Monster Park Tickets).
    --- Since Wild Totems are removed, this would help out new and returning players with mesos. It will also give them a taste for 7 run Maple Tour life and the mesos that brings in which would help increase Maple Point run sales, and thus more revenue.

    Increase Red Cubes and Black Cubes quantity per month to 20 (twenty) from 5 (five).
    Cut the Reward Points price on the Cubes in half.
    --- More things to spend reward points on. The Reward Shop Cubes have always been overpriced for Reboot.

    Add in every Pet Skill available for purchase with only reward points up to 1 (one) of each per month.
    --- Being able to fully deck out 1 pet every month will promote players to buy a new cute pet every month, coupled with more water of life quantity increase. Be good to the customer and the customer will be good to you, this is why groceries stores give out free samples of certain food products, it causes them to sell more products overall.

    Add in 1 (one) Pet Snack per month.
    --- Why sell 1 pet when you can sell 3 pets!

    Add in 20 (twenty) per month 30-minutes 2x EXP coupons and 20 (twenty) per month 30-minutes 2x Drop coupons.
    --- Promotes playing the game more.

    Create and add in an item that turns an expiring cash outfit item into permanent duration, up to 3 (three) per month.
    (I rather all the items to always be permanent duration, but Nexon loves their FOMO way too much.)
    --- Encourages players to buy all of those 90-days cash outfits that they are currently not buying because they are 90-days with a FOMO per month system gets players to buy more items than they even want to add to their collection.


    If you come off as greedy, which you 100% do come off as greedy, it will turn people away from pulling out their wallets to spend money. If you appear as generous, then people are more likely to spend money on your products.

  • Game Crashes and Server Lag Issues [Reboot]

    People have been experiencing more and more game crashes recently and there has been some severe server lag on channels as well.

    Issues like this you got to fix soon before people get really mad and best idea is to create a public Pink Bean Bulletin to let everyone know you are actively working on the issues. Get ahead of the problem before it creates a bigger problem and you get people threatening to boycott and stuff like before.
  • Wild Totem removal is the last straw for me


    Real bad attitude my dude.
  • Majour Halloween Shopping Bug

    Halloween Shopping will automatically cancel itself which makes it impossible to actually get the shopping done.

    Also, the event should be 28 days, not 14 days because it is impossible to get the items with 14 days even hard focused on only a certain type of shopping.
  • APQ: Changes and Rework

    APQ (Amoria Party Quest) is pretty outdated at this point and can definitely have changes done to it to bring it up to modern MapleStory, including its prizes.


    Requirements: Minimum Level for Entry increased to level 200 and you must be Maple-Married!
    The other requirement is that you must enter as a party of 2, 4, or 6 instead of only a 6-man party (no separated couples allowed!, but of course you don't have to enter with your spouse's character).

    Rewards at the end will be client side since this is always a more than one person thing to do everyday.

    Also, the limit will be changed from every 6-hours to once per day clear.


    The quest will have a complete overhaul where when you enter you will be placed in a room with four portals.
    One will lead to the boss directly, which is the most important bit, the other three will each lead to a puzzle-type of room in some way with a maximum of 2 players at a time in each room (so a 6-man party can do all 3 puzzles at the same time).

    Each time you clear a puzzle room, the difficulty of the boss goes down by 1-stage, decreasing the difficulty and HP, but also the rewards at the end. So this works like Gollux with the four difficulties of Easy, Normal, Hard, and Hell.

    The prize box at the end will drop Love Coins, increasing the amount based on the boss' difficulty and drop rate of the individual. With a chance to drop Onyx Apples that increase in chance with boss difficulty only and a very rare chance for a couples chair that can seat up to a total of 2-characters on it.


    The prizes you can redeem with Love Coins in a special shop will be things like (examples):

    ~ Level 200 Badge (Cannot have potential. Cannot have starforce.)
    ~ Level 200 Medal ((Cannot have potential. Cannot have starforce.)
    ~ Level 200 Pocket Item (Cannot have potential. Cannot have starforce.)
    ~ Level 200 Ring (Can have potential. Starforce up to 25 stars.)
    ~ Level 200 Face Accessory (Can have potential. Starforce up to 25 stars.)
    ~ Level 200 Eye Accessory (Can have potential. Starforce up to 25 stars.)
    ~ Onyx Apple
    ~ Special Chair 1 (Seats up to 2 characters)
    ~ Special Chair 2 (Seats up to 2 characters)
    ~ Special "Cash" Outfit Hat
    ~ Special "Cash" Outfit Overall
    ~ Special "Cash" Outfit Gloves (Bracelet)
    ~ Special "Cash" Outfit Cape
    ~ Special "Cash" Outfit Weapon
    ~ Special "Cash" Outfit Shoes

    These items will have their own and very powerful set bonus as well!
    Examples for set bonus rewards:

    ~ 2 Set: +5000 HP/MP and +50 All Stats
    ~ 3 Set: +25 All Stats and +30 Weapon/Magic Att
    ~ 4 Set: +20 Weapon/Magic Att and +10% Boss Damage
    ~ 5 Set: +10% Boss Damage and +30% Ignore Enemy Defense
    ~ 6 Set: +10% Boss Damage and +5% Critical Damage
    ~ 7 Set: Be in a party with your Spouse for +5% Critical Damage

    (Clarity: Need to have the full equipment set and be in an active party with your Spouse's character for an additional +5% Critical Damage.)

    If you have the complete Special "Cash" Outfit set equipped, you have a special effect when near your spouse-character.

