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Hello I'm ClawStaff


Last Active
Member, Private Tester
December 18, 1995
About Me
I like to play RPGs and like to look cool in them, by resembling characters.


  • Bruh what? Who complained about them adding content? The only thing even close to people complaining about that is still about them removing content, because they added FOMO content that rewarded permanent items that are no longer obtainable, but pe…
  • I feel like even the forum staff looked at that post about Jett being removed soon and looked in disgust at it and can't trust Nexon anymore. Because I feel like people are being so open about their distrust for Nexon outside of the rants and raves …
  • You didn't really explain anything about your suggestion. But we used to have a way to go back to the character select menu, rather than world select but it didn't work well and caused performance issues. So it was removed rather than having it c…
  • Xenon is good at burst damage and can mob well in maps even if you get lazy as they have some pretty good install skills that cover a lot of the map (as in skills you can place down that aren't considered a summon). They have less consistent dama…
  • In terms of gameplay style too, probably either AB or BaM have skills with the closest playstyle. Yeah you use BaM differently, but they also use mobility as one of their main characteristics.
  • Interesting development on this topic is the fact they removed an NPC of Hayato from the Hidden Ghost Shrine questline. Which may not sound like much, it's just an NPC version of Hayato, but does not sound good considering what's happening with J…
  • I don't even like what they did to Jett since the previous version of them that had the FMA with 0 CD, which now has a cooldown. But this is absolutely ridiculous to remove a class because you're too lazy to fix bugs. I'm glad I stopped playing Mapl…
  • Since someone got really butthurt about me no longer having interest in running this guild, calling me a calling me an (expletive) degenerate after it was weeks before anyone joined, and even then it was only one person at a time days apart (as in o…
  • Yeah it's sad how even the non KMS classes are just copypaste balanced from other versions now. We got them to change them for GMS specifically a few times, but every time the classes get updated in other versions they make the classes identical to …
  • Dnaman101 wrote: » KingKid wrote: » Remaster Blaze Wizard did not get enough changes and not even improved. pretty sure that's true about all Cygnus Knights I mean they touched up Dawn Warrior and Mihile quite a bit. But idk on one hand I'…
  • Didn't read everything, but most burning events do allow you to burn existing characters at lower levels than this burning event does. The hyper burning event can be used on both new characters and existing level 200 characters too though. This limi…
  • No, they didn't change the success rate. This change is because of the removal of totems that increase spawn rate from the cash shop. No one really knows why it's supposed to somehow be an equivalent thing. People didn't really use totems specifica…
  • Stacona wrote: » Goodbye! Real bad attitude my dude. What are you even talking about? They couldn't have phrased this while also telling us how upset they are at Nexon's decisions over the years in any nicer of a way than they did here. What…
  • I still don't get why people defend the Tower of Oz floor with invisible platforms. Like maybe if the visibility went on and off every once in a while it wouldn't be so bad . But despite the fact MapleStory used to be big on jump quests, its not ve…
  • Oh so this post is spam?
  • Maquenjay wrote: » this post is sarcastic btw if you havent noticed Are you sure about that? People are definitely insane enough to suggest stuff like this with complete sincerity. And if it is a joke post, it's kinda spam because it's in the …
  • Nexon uh... you know what would be a better solution delete all spawn related totems, and make the spawn rates better on the maps. You can keep the number of enemies the same as normal honestly if you would make the enemies respawn faster. It doe…
  • It might just mean the status effect stun, which most bosses are immune to. As in the stun the Mutant Orange mushrooms in Future Henesys can inflict on you that has an icon of stars spinning around your head. Don't ask me why a skill that would l…
  • Been using the steam controller configuration with my PS4 controller for a while in MapleStory and it works perfectly fine. Characters like Zero require a more complicated setup to have all their attack skills available at once though. Like I had to…
  • Yes, I think Nexon has been obsessing too much on making changes to how mechanics and skills in the game work to make it so cheaters cannot cheat for a while, but haven't given enough consideration on how making those changes impacts legitimate play…