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  • Issues revolving fairness in forum and game

    I as well as others have experienced many hardships and many issues revolving MapleStory forum and discord. I once posted a thread about fairness and abuse of power from mods and volunteers but it got taken down due to claiming it was insulting or shaming. I feel that we need to have some standards and fairness. I am posting this not only to get input but to find out how we have fallen this low. I have posted and commented on threads today and posted my signatures as anyone else would of. What happens AKRADIAN and some mods give me a warning for what? they never told me. Now, wait I want to ask you all this there have been some of us who gotten ban and restricted on some dumb stuff. based on opinions of a few. Now I spoke with some of the support team and brought the evidence to prove my point. Last time I posted a thread with evidence it got shut down. Now today I won't post the evidence as I want the community managers to contact me and others who I back who was ban and some falsely ban to show it. "THIS ISNT BASHING, NOR SHAMING, NO TRYING TO MAKE ANYONE LOOK DUMB" I only ask one question "where are our standards" usually when mods mute or put a restriction or something they usually contact the individual and say what. I contacted the team that was put in place to serve us and no one answered me nor non who been affected. Is this the management we want or need to serve us? I ask a simple question where are our standards and how can we fix our community so we can have fairness. I may not be too fond of some people but I never said I stab anyone, feed them toxins, Said the F word repeatedly, cause if I have done it I be ban on the spot I also have seen that today. Not one ban or warning for them. SO I ask a simple question as I have a right to post this. For our community management team to answer a simple question. Who will serve the voiceless, the ones who even if they're wrong should be heard? who will help those who are being flagged or warn without an explanation or a solid reason? and who will serve those and help those regardless of personal feelings or spite? These are the questions the voiceless the ones who have been ignored and mistreated ask you. This is why I say I am the voice of the voiceless, the voice of the community, and the Malcolm x of maplestory. Cause a wise man once said Khalid Abdul Muhammad "where ever you go be a revolutionary, cause if you don't who will?" I ask today if your a moderator, a community team or any team serving people do you not feel you need to serve those regardless of feeling and personal issues? My claims I made if you need verification I will leave my discord and also most can contact me on the forums but I leave this here for all to post and remember This isn't a post of flame war I only ask a question to the team serving us for who do we contact if someone treated me unfair cause as we seen from AKRADIAN not shaming him only stating a fact I message him even got a pic of it and ask him nicely what I do that was worthy of a warning no response. And I remember hearing him saying he will be fair and serve everyone but he hasnt serve me fairly once. Like I said I will be a revolutionary as the change doesn't happen when you play nice you have to challenge the status quo and be willing to make sacrifices. Again this post isn't bashing team only asking them about their standards and how they will serve us as a whole. This has gotten out of hand and is an issue beyond repair.

    If this post is posted in the wrong spot you can move it to the right one as gm team told me to post this for the community management team to look at here is my discord if any proof or evidence needs to be provided with my claims as I save everything (RizaSaika#8726) and remember people change doesn't happen just by letting them do as they please challenging and going out there to make change for all is the way to make good and positive change also shout out to lucsean a victim of hate and mess.
  • Can we block specific people on these forums?

    Aggraphine wrote: »
    zoutzakje wrote: »
    Pretty much what the title says. Is there an option to essentially hide what specific users write on these forums? I'm fine with seeing their name when they posted something, i just don't want to see the obnoxious garbage that they might write (including quotes, if possible). "Then just don't read it and skip over it" is not always an option for me. I can't control it.
    If no such option exist, i would like to have it added.

    Thanks in advance, and have a nice day!

    Banning riza would have pretty much the same effect.

    If it isn't my biggest fan, I mean banning me is like getting rid of culture. I hope you can attend our riza history month events we got a lot of things going. Also, I don't hate you ;) as you are my biggest fan keep my name alive and good work. Black powa!!!

    Riza Saika (bera-Leader of Dragontribe)
    Riza Saika (ms community- Voice of the people)
    Riza Saika (ms community- Voice of the Voiceless)
    Riza Saika (ms community Malcolm X)

    Sadly, MapleStory 2 has pvp and battle royale.

    MapleStory 1 should have kept the pvp system in place, or at least made an attempt to balance it every time new classes and skills came out.

    Yea the ms2 does have it but I am more talking the issue with ms1. I feel it can be revamped and implemented if they balance everything out. Also, a competition based on skills and abilities and mastery is the goal. I feel most classes are equal and some can become more dangerous depending on who is using it. I seen and tested a lot of those classes and ran a lot test using my guildies. I have seen pros and cons from both sides but like I mentioned before mastery is key.
    YinYangX wrote: »
    *diddon't really read, just scrolled to the bottom and saw the "10 damage/line" thing
    Already a (huge) problem cause then just like in Discover Arena, DB/NL would dominate cause they hit the most lines/sec, iirc.

    (Just playing the devil's advocate, probably missed some bigger picture, apologies ahead of time. xd)

    Yes its true that they do a lot of damage but I think in a pvp setting I think the other classes can keep up. In a fighting setting yes they have quick and high attacks, but the other classes from what I have seen have a lot of defensive and offensive skills that can outdo them. I have done the research on my Ursus raids and seen the best class users on my servers play. I feel that setting damage would be fair the lines won't be such an issue if we keep it same setting as Ursus "8 skills only" this will limit the threat. cause without their buffs they can't do anything. Plus take into account they have the 2nd lowest defense in the game next to Bowman so that's also a consideration. But I say Look up Ursus raids and you see more of what I mean in pvp setting if they don't take out the other people quick they will be rendered useless. That was one argument I made above about strategy and mastery. The only one who has obtained it can overcome such weakness.
  • I want housing in this game

    HHAAHAHAHAA BREHHHHH you really think the designers will give us that without us paying. me i use the swamp hut as my kaisers place while no one goes there as well as the rien library as my guild base as well as my bishop log spot i recommend you use places in game no one uses like that big mansion in the demon place near gollux that makes a dope base ;p.
  • About the "Better Maple" thing...

    You might be surprised by how closely we (and other regions) work with Nexon Korea, and how many of the changes have come as a result of our collective feedback. While we don't get everything that KMS gets, and we don't always get it right away, it isn't like we have no impact on the game.
    - Source
    thax for posting what i did but like i said we get it regardless so yea you guys just need to work harder and bring more ideas to the tables and actually get those ideas done then it becomes yours. ;D