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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
In the KMS Post Savior Update there were changes to boss which decreased the high difficulty of some unreasonable patterns. Not all of them have been addressed because sometimes the way
… (more)bosses are implemented are not ported over equally to GMS, due to ping and server latency, Non-KMS content, or poor boss design that has not aged well.
Black Mage Phase 2 and Seren have pillar attack patterns that normally cycle overtime spawning individually which can be dodged with proficiency and mastery. However in GMS these patterns seem to generate all at once instead of generating overtime making into a full map attack pattern more often when comparing to other regions operating MapleStory. In Seren this becomes worse because pillars can be stacked on-top of each other making a double or triple pillar pattern.
Will Phase 3 the attack for the singular leg or "white eyes" where it targets the player's current position. This has a high skill ceiling for teleport classes when introducing server latency or ping making the attack unpredictable to react to where other classes can "flash jump" to avoid this attack with little difficulty.
Princess No Hieizan Temple 1st Floor and 2nd Floor Mikagami and Oda Swordsman takes fixed amount of damage. The Hieizan Temple 3rd Floor when defeating the summoned eels that also take fixed damage does not speed up spawning Oura Shogun. Finally the Hieizan Temple 4th Floor and 5th Floor Miroku and Princess No have the cage skill with low cooldown that cannot be avoided without using Hero's Will Skill or Invincibility Skill. If the cage is destroyed the player is still immobile until the duration ends which is the same time as the cooldown for the cage skill. Princess No also cannot be bound. Classes that do not have generate certain number of lines will take longer to clear and lack of invincibility skills have a harder time to clear. This deters players from challenging Princess No outside of obtaining a Secondary or Kanna's Treasure.
Akechi Mitsuhide has high movement speed with a swing attack that is fast with an insanely large hitbox that does a special knockback. The dive attack has a linger hitbox that does damage longer than it should. The bind counterattack cannot be avoided. Finally the damage reflect cannot be cancelled or negated by Magic Crash. Classes that rely on close-combat have a harder time fighting Akechi forced to dodge attacks with no room to attack back resorting to forcibly taking hits to do damage instead of being able to damage and kite like in other bosses.
Hard Mori Ranmaru's touch damage and attacks are not dealt in hp percentage, but are high attack values that can deal fatal damage to characters that do not have a lot of defense and with a low cooldown seduce making it near impossible to dodge these potentially fatal attacks. This deters from challenging Mori Ramaru even when players have enough damage to clear.
Gollux Phase 2 has a "reverse bomb" pattern that can only be avoided by being outside of range. When hit by the debuff at the end of it the player takes 99% damage. Combined with the map attack that Gollux can cast making it fatal to be under the "reverse bomb" status.
Changes need to be made to said bosses to promote better challenges to the players that can be overcome with skill and not only by brute-forcing the bosses with high damage and invincibility skills or completely avoiding the fight altogether. (less)